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Estudio de propiedades bio-funcionales de péptidos provenientes de hemoglobina bovina y su incorporación a productos extrudidos

Raúl Esteban Cian Silvina Rosa Drago Marcelino Freyre Ortíz Sara Molina María Eugenia D´Alessandro Rolando José González


Resumen/Descripción – provisto por el repositorio digital
The objective of this thesis was to obtain and to evaluate selected biofunctional properties of hydrolyzed bovine hemoglobin concentrate and also to incorporate such hydrolysates to extruded products, evaluating their bioactivity after extrusion. Four Hydrolysates were obtained using bovine hemoglobin concentrate (BHC) as substrate and the following enzymes: Protex 6L (P), Fungal Protease Concentrate (FC) and Flavourzyme (F). Two Hydrolysates were obtained in a simple way (P and FC) and the other two in a sequential way (PF and FCF). The degree of hydrolysis (DH) was determined using different methods. Hydrolysates were characterized by physicochemical evaluations, iron content, color, etc. Bioactive properties were also evaluated. Extrudates were obtained using maize grits and its mixture with BHC and its Hydrolysates. Bioactive properties and physicochemical properties of extrudates were evaluated. Results shown, that sequential way increased DH in comparison to “one enzyme only”. Antioxidant activity (AA) of Hydrolysates was almost three times higher than that of substrate and the highest values corresponded to the sequential way. Such activity was dependent on protein concentration of samples, being FCF hydrolysate the most active. Most active components were those of low molecular weight. The addition of BHC or its Hydrolysates to extruded products did not modify their physical properties in comparison to maize extrudate, but increased the AA and mineral iron dializability. The highest values of AA and iron dializability corresponded to sample containing FCF hydrolysate. Regarding zinc dializability values, it can be said that maize grits sample had the lowest value.
Palabras clave – provistas por el repositorio digital

hydrolysates; hemoglobin; iron dializability; antioxidant capacity; extrusion; peptides; hidrolizados; hemoglobina; dializabilidad de hierro; capacidad antioxidante; péptidos

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No requiere 2012 Biblioteca Virtual de la Universidad Nacional del Litoral (SNRD) acceso abierto


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Idiomas de la publicación

  • español castellano

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