Catálogo de publicaciones - tesis

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Estudio de la dinámica del nitrato en el suelo proveniente de la actividad ganadera intensiva

Emiliano Andrés Veizaga Leticia Rodríguez Francisca Franco Claudia Sainato Luis Moreno Merino Alicia Fabrizio de Iorio Carlos Jorge Ocampo


Resumen/Descripción – provisto por el repositorio digital
Historically in Argentina, cattle grazing occurred in extensive lands, in natural pastures. From the 90´s, cattle production increased but to the expense of a new production type, feedlots-FL or animal feeding operation (AFO), which is used in intensive animal farming for finishing livestock, notably beef cattle, prior to slaughter. The steady and widespread growth of FLs has generated environmental concerns not only in Argentina. As a consequence of cattle manure accumulation on FLs pens and uncontrolled effluents flows, FLs constitute potential point and diffuse contamination sites for soils and waters. Manure produces contamination within the pens as well as in nearby land as manure is flushed by precipitation water and runoff. High NO3--N concentrations found in soils and waters around FLs , its evaluation and the analysis of processes associated to its transformations constitute an issue of great interest for groundwater resources protection. Consequently, the objective of this thesis was to identify how the interaction between physical processes (dilution from infiltrating water, salts concentration from evapotranspiration) and biological processes (nitrification, desnitrification) interact and affect the dynamics of NO3--N and other solutes in fined-textured soils, under different hydrologic conditions at the surface and soil moisture conditions within the soil profile. Specific objectives were aimed at designing appropriate spate/time monitoring strategies in order to capture the fundamental processes that affect NO3--N concentrations within soils.
Palabras clave – provistas por el repositorio digital

Nitrate; HYDRUS-1D; Atmospheric forcing; Feedlot; Nutrient transport; Numerical simulation; Nitrato; Forzantes atmosféricos; Transporte de nutrientes; Simulación numérica

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No requiere 2015 Biblioteca Virtual de la Universidad Nacional del Litoral (SNRD) acceso abierto


Tipo de recurso:


Idiomas de la publicación

  • español castellano

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