Catálogo de publicaciones - tesis

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Diseño a fatiga multiaxial y desgaste en componentes mecánicos a elevada temperatura

Federico José Cavalieri Alberto Cardona Gustavo Sánchez Sarmiento Carlos García Garino Alfredo Huespe Norberto Nigro Víctor Fachinotti


Resumen/Descripción – provisto por el repositorio digital
In this thesis, a failure prediction study in mechanical components subject to very high frequency loads and high temperature is considered. In a first stage, the fatigue phenomenon in metallic materials is studied from the experimental point of view, through the stress vs. number of cycles curves in the gigacycle regime, as well as from the numerical point of view by multiaxial fatigue criterions and finite element models. The experimental tests were performed using the ultrasonic fatigue technique. The stress vs. number of cycles curves of an austenitic steel used in internal combustion engines at room and at high temperature, 600ºC and 700ºC were obtained. By using the experimental results, new valve geometries were generated. In a second stage, different contact algorithms were analyzed to study the wear and friction processes. A flexible-rigid contact algorithm with an augmented Lagrangian was developed. With this algorithm, validation and application examples have been proposed. Then, a node-segment contact algorithms for flexible-flexible bodies with the subdivision surfaces interpolation technique was studied. Finally, a mortar contact algorithm was proposed. This algorithm passes the contact patch tests with a uniform stress field at the contact zone. The proposed algorithm was validated with analytical and numerical solutions, and was used in an application example of internal combustion engine valves.
Palabras clave – provistas por el repositorio digital

Internal combustion engine valves; Finite element method; Very high cycle fatigue; Crossland; Contact mechanics; Node-segment; Mortar; Válvulas de motores de combustión interna; Método de los elementos finitos; Fatiga de alto número de ciclos; Contacto mecánico; Nodo-segmento

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No requiere 2010 Biblioteca Virtual de la Universidad Nacional del Litoral (SNRD) acceso abierto


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Idiomas de la publicación

  • español castellano

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