Catálogo de publicaciones - tesis

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Desarrollo y optimización de técnicas basadas en la fotoconductividad para la caracterización de semiconductores con aplicaciones fotovoltaicas

Leonardo Hugo Kopprio Javier Alejandro Schmidt Kurt Rodolfo Taretto Christian Ariel Cuadrado Laborde Juan Carlos Plá Roberto Delio Arce


Resumen/Descripción – provisto por el repositorio digital
Different steady-state characterization techniques based on photoconductivity-related measurements are investigated. A detailed explanation is presented on how to implement the steady-state photoconductivity under a uniform generation rate (SSPC) and the photoconductivity modulated in time (MPC). The techniques of the steady-state photocarrier grating (SSPG), the moving photocarrier grating (MGT), the modulated photocarrier grating (MPG), the vibrating photocarrier grating (VPG) and the oscillating photocarrier grating (OPG), are also analyzed. Measuring an alternating current instead of a direct current allows the use of a lock-in amplifier to filter the electronic noise and thus increase the signal-to-noise ratio. Previous works have used the alternating current induced by the OPG technique to obtain the small direct current produced by MGT. In this work it is shown by means of a numerical simulation that, for both techniques to be equivalent, the amplitude of oscillation used in the previous works must be at least quadruplicated. In addition, a new simple way to produce an alternating current that is proportional to the direct current induced by MGT is presented. Two new pairs of formulas are obtained that allow determining the density of states in the (exponential) band tails of an amorphous semiconductor, from measurement of the currents induced with the SSPC, SSPG and MGT techniques for different temperatures and uniform light intensities. Then, it is shown that it is possible to estimate all microscopic transport parameters from a simultaneous adjustment of the measurements made with SSPC and SSPG for different temperatures and light intensities.
Palabras clave – provistas por el repositorio digital

Silicio amorfo hidrogenado; Characterization techniques; Thin films; Photoconductivity; Semiconductors; Multiple trapping model; Hydrogenated amorphous silicon; Técnicas de caracterización; Películas delgadas; Fotoconductividad; Semiconductores; Modelo de captura múltiple

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No requiere 2019 Biblioteca Virtual de la Universidad Nacional del Litoral (SNRD) acceso abierto


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  • español castellano

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