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Desarrollo de un modelo basado en métodos estadísticos para la predicción del tiempo de maduración de quesos argentinos

María Belén Ramonda Carlos Antonio Zalazar Miguel Pauletti Graciela Vignolo Silvia González Susana Margarita Bernal


Resumen/Descripción – provisto por el repositorio digital
In the present work mathematical models were developed to determine the ripening time of three varieties of Argentine typical cheeses: Cremoso, Pategrás y Reggianito. Such fisicoquímicos parameters and indices of maturation were based on. One worked with originating cheeses of 2 milky industries of the zone of Santa Fe that were elaborated in different from the year. In order to construct the model samples throughout the maturation were taken and in them different fisicoquímicos parameters were determined. With the obtained results a matrix of data for each type of cheese was constructed. In the first place, the evolutions of each variable of maturation studied with time, by means of application of simple linear regression (RLS) and the analysis of variancia of the regression was made to evaluate if a linear relation between the time existed significant the maturation and each one of the studied fisicoquímicos parameters. Soon the complete matrix was put under a multivaried analysis exploratory, by means of application of analysis by main components and discriminante analysis. Finally on the matrix of data regression PLS was applied. The obtained models threw good correlations (R greater to 0.98) and low errors of estimation (for Cremoso 2 days with a period of maturation of 30 days; for Pategrás 5 days with a period of maturation of 50 days and for Reggianito 18 days with a period of maturation of 180 days), which demonstrated the good predictive capacity of such.
Palabras clave – provistas por el repositorio digital

Tiempo de maduración; Quesos argentinos; Parámetros fisicoquímicos; Métodos estadísticos multivariados; Ripening time; Argentine cheeses; Physicochemical parameters; Multivariate statisticals methods

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No requiere 2009 Biblioteca Virtual de la Universidad Nacional del Litoral (SNRD) acceso abierto


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Idiomas de la publicación

  • español castellano

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