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Aportes nutricionales de la harina de vinal (Prosopis ruscifolia). Disponibilidad de hierro y factores que la afectan

Cecilia María Del Huerto Bernardi María Elena Sambucetti Marcelino Freyre


Resumen/Descripción – provisto por el repositorio digital
Vinal (Prosopis ruscifolia) is an ecologically important wild leguminous tree that grows spontaneously in Argentine deforested lands, the fruit of which is consumed by humans and animals. Like other Prosopis its fruits can be separated in exocarp, mesocarp (pulp), endocarp and seeds. Proximal composition of pulp was studied . Dietary fiber proved to be 24.5g/100g and total sugars 32g/100g in vinal pulps.Considerable iron (14.6 mg/100g) content was found so iron availability was determined with an in vitro methodology and proved to be 2.2-7.5%. Response surface methodology was used to evaluate iron availability enhacement after adding ascorbic and/or citric acids to vinal pulp at different mMacid/mM Feratios. Those ratios ranged from 0.05:1 to 9.95:1 and from 0.5:1 to 99.5:1 for ascorbic acid/Fe (AA:Fe) and citric acid/Fe (CA:Fe), respectively. The obtained second- and first-order polynomial equations showed that AA:Fe and CA:Fe molar ratios linear terms had a significant effect on iron dialyzability increase (P ≤ 0.05), It was possible to enhance iron availability to a maximum of 4.6 times.
Palabras clave – provistas por el repositorio digital

Vinal; Prosopis; Iron availability; Iron availability inhibitors; Iron availability enhancers

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No requiere 2000 Biblioteca Virtual de la Universidad Nacional del Litoral (SNRD) acceso abierto


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  • español castellano

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