Catálogo de publicaciones - tesis

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Algoritmos de navegación y guiado para vehículos autónomos basados en métodos de horizonte móvil

Guido Marcelo Sánchez Leonardo Giovanini Alejandro Gonzalez Ernesto Kofman Vicente Mut Alejandro Limache


Resumen/Descripción – provisto por el repositorio digital
The objective of this thesis is to develop navigation and guidance algorithms for autonomous terrestrial vehicles. To do this, two essential components are required: i) an estimation system, which allows to know the position and orientation of the vehicle, and ii) a control system, which allows to control the position and orientation of the vehicle. In the case of the estimation problem, we calculate the estimates of the states and parameters of the system from noisy measurements obtained from the sensors available in the vehicle, while in the case of the control problem, we calculate the control actions which must run each of the actuators to follow a predefined path. Physical limits on the behaviour of vehicles, sensors and actuators can be modelled as constraints. Moving horizon methods are based on the solution of an explicit optimization problem at every sample instant. For this reason, they are able to incorporate system constraint information into the design stage and thus provide a unified theoretical framework for estimation and control of constrained systems. In this thesis, three main topics have been studied: i) Moving horizon estimation with restrictions and adaptive approximation of the arrival cost. ii) Model predictive control for nonlinear systems, based on the linearization of nonlinear systems along a predefined path. iii) Control of multiple vehicles using distributed control algorithms based on dynamic games, with agents that solve the decentralized problem equivalent to the centralized problem in a network environment.
Palabras clave – provistas por el repositorio digital

Moving horizon methods; Constrained estimation; Constrained control; Multiagent systems; Game Theory; Métodos de horizonte móvil; Estimación con restricciones; Control con restricciones; Sistemas multiagente; Teoría de juegos

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No requiere 2017 Biblioteca Virtual de la Universidad Nacional del Litoral (SNRD) acceso abierto


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Idiomas de la publicación

  • español castellano

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