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Evaluation Review: A Journal of Applied Social Research

Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial en inglés
Evaluation Review (ERX) is an interdisciplinary forum for social science researchers, planners, and policy makers who develop, implement, and utilize studies designed to improve the human condition. Consistently highly ranked and cited, Evaluation Review brings together the latest applied evaluation methods used in a wide range of disciplines. It presents the latest quantitative and qualitative methodological developments, as well as related applied research issues.
Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial

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No detectada desde feb. 1999 / hasta dic. 2023 SAGE Journals


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SAGE Publishing (SAGE)

País de edición

Estados Unidos

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Cobertura temática

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Evaluating a Policing Strategy Intended to Disrupt an Illicit Street-Level Drug Market

Nicholas Corsaro; Rod K. Brunson; Edmund F. McGarrell

<jats:p> The authors examined a strategic policing initiative that was implemented in a high crime Nashville, Tennessee neighborhood by utilizing a mixed-methodological evaluation approach in order to provide (a) a descriptive process assessment of program fidelity; (b) an interrupted time-series analysis relying upon generalized linear models; (c) in-depth resident interviews. Results revealed that the initiative corresponded with a statistically significant reduction in drug and narcotics incidents as well as perceived changes in neighborhood disorder within the target community. There was less-clear evidence, however, of a significant impact on other outcomes examined. The implications that an intensive crime prevention strategy corresponded with a reduction in specific forms of neighborhood crime illustrates the complex considerations that law enforcement officials face when deciding to implement this type of crime prevention initiative. </jats:p>

Palabras clave: Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous); General Social Sciences.

Pp. 513-548