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Evolvable Machines: Theory & Practice

Nadia Nedjah ; Luiza de Macedo Mourelle (eds.)

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No detectada 2005 SpringerLink


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Springer Nature

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Reino Unido

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© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2005

Tabla de contenidos

Learning for Cooperative Transportation by Autonomous Humanoid Robots

Yutaka Inoue; Takahiro Tohge; Hitoshi Iba

Specific problems were extracted in an experiment using a practical system in an attempt to transport an object cooperatively with two humanoid robots. The result proved that both body swinging during movement and the shift in the center of gravity, by transporting an object, caused a shift in the position after movement. We investigated the behavior of fundamental motions to make sure the impact of initial positioning on the robot operation. Consequently, it is found that position matching of motors is very difficult even using the same robot and even in the same motion, there occur errors in moving distance and direction. Therefore, we have proposed a learning method to revise a position shift while the cooperative transportation, and established a learning framework in a simulation. In addition, the obtained results were verified by using real robots in a real environment. In order to move towards the target position efficiently, it is necessary to perform the real learning by two robots. Therefore, it is important to discuss the approach for efficient movement and perform experiment with real robots. Since huge time is required for learning in real robots, it is important to reduce the time of learning in real environment using learning data in the simulator. In our future work, we want to study how robots can more to the target in the shortest path when there is an obstacle in the path or how to more in an L-shaped path.

Palabras clave: Target Position; Classifier System; Humanoid Robot; Real Robot; Position Shift.

Part I - Evolvable Robots | Pp. 3-20

Evolution, Robustness and Adaptation of Sidewinding Locomotion of Simulated Snake-like Robot

Ivan Tanev; Thomas Ray; Andrzej Buller

Palabras clave: Genetic Programming; Rigid Body Dynamic; Rugged Terrain; Snake Robot; Modular Robot.

Part I - Evolvable Robots | Pp. 21-41

Evolution of Khepera Robotic Controllers with Hierarchical Genetic Programming Techniques

Marcin L. Pilat; Franz Oppacher

Palabras clave: Mobile Robot; Genetic Programming; Obstacle Avoidance; Module Acquisition; Genetic Programming System.

Part I - Evolvable Robots | Pp. 43-71

Evolving Controllers for Miniature Robots

Michael Botros

In the previous sections we have seen how the evolutionary computations algorithms were successfully used to evolve many types of controllers for Khepera robot. It was used to evolve neural network synaptic weights in the obstacle avoidance behavior of experiment 1 and the battery recharging behavior of experiment 3. We have also seen how it can evolve the architecture of the neural network along with the synaptic weights as in the experiment of evolving light seeking behavior. Alternatively, it can evolve the learning rules and learning rate necessary for training the neural network synaptic weights. Other types of controllers were successfully evolved too, such as fuzzy logic controllers and computer programs. Many other experiments are conducted using evolutionary computations on different robotic platforms recently. In fact, evolutionary computation is a very promising approach for designing controllers for mobile robots.

Palabras clave: Neural Network; Genetic Algorithm; Membership Function; Mobile Robot; Obstacle Avoidance.

Part I - Evolvable Robots | Pp. 73-100

Evolutionary Synthesis of Synchronous Finite State Machines

Nadia Nedjah; Luiza Macedo de Mourelle

Palabras clave: Genetic Algorithm; State Machine; Control Logic; Finite State Machine; State Assignment.

Part II - Evolvable Hardware Synthesis | Pp. 103-127

Automating the Hierarchical Synthesis of MEMS Using Evolutionary Approaches

Zhun Fan; Jiachuan Wang; Kisung Seo; Jianjun Hu; Ronald Rosenberg; Janis Terpenny; Erik Goodman

Palabras clave: Design Variable; Genetic Programming; Design Candidate; Bond Graph; Coupling Unit.

Part II - Evolvable Hardware Synthesis | Pp. 129-149

An Evolutionary Approach to Multi-FPGAs System Synthesis

F. de Fernández Veja; J. I. Hidalgo; J. M. Sánchez; J. Lanchares

In this chapter a methodology for circuit design using Multi-FPGA Systems has been presented. We have used evolutionary computation for all the steps of the process. Firstly, an Hybrid compact genetic algorithm was applied on achieving partitioning and placement for inter-FPGA systems and, for the Intra-FPGA tasks Genetic programming was used. This method can be applied for different boards and solves the whole design flow process.

Palabras clave: Local Search; Span Tree; Genetic Programming; Internal Node; Probability Vector.

Part II - Evolvable Hardware Synthesis | Pp. 151-177

Evolutionary Computation and Parallel Processing Applied to the Design of Multilayer Perceptrons

Ana Claudia M. L. Albuquerque; Jorge D. Melo; Adrião D. Dória Neto

Palabras clave: Neural Network; Genetic Algorithm; Hide Layer; Output Layer; Input Layer.

Part III - Evolvable Designs | Pp. 181-203

Evolvable Fuzzy Hardware for Real-time Embedded Control in Packet Switching

Ju Hui Li; Meng Hiot Lim; Qi Cao

Palabras clave: Membership Function; Fuzzy System; Fuzzy Rule; Cell Loss; Cell Flow.

Part III - Evolvable Designs | Pp. 205-227

Improving Multi Expression Programming: An Ascending Trail from Sea-Level Even-3-Parity Problem to Alpine Even-18-Parity Problem

Mihai Oltean

Palabras clave: Genetic Program; Boolean Function; Cumulative Probability; Function Symbol; Chromosome Length.

Part III - Evolvable Designs | Pp. 229-256