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Ages, Generations and the Social Contract: The Demographic Challenges Facing the Welfare State

Jacques Véron Sophie Pennec Jacques Légaré

Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial

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No detectada 2007 SpringerLink


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ISBN electrónico


Editor responsable

Springer Nature

País de edición

Reino Unido

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© Springer 2007

Cobertura temática

Tabla de contenidos

Demographic Change, Welfare, and Intergenerational Transfers: A Global Overview

Ronald D. Lee

Palabras clave: Pension System; Life Cycle Stage; Public Pension; Intergenerational Transfer; Private Transfer.

Part I - Changing Background of Intergenerational Relationships | Pp. 17-43

Demographic Context of the Social Contract in Developed Countries: Unity and Diversity

Jacques Véron; Sophie Pennec

Palabras clave: Participation Rate; Birth Cohort; Social Contract; Total Fertility Rate; Demographic Trend.

Part I - Changing Background of Intergenerational Relationships | Pp. 45-58

Economics of the Intergenerational Debate: Normative, Accounting and Political Viewpoints

André Masson

Palabras clave: Human Capital; Future Generation; Welfare State; Education Expenditure; Private Transfer.

Part II - Generations, Social Contract and Labour Force Participation: Theoretical and Empirical Issues | Pp. 61-104

Reorganizing the Activity Cycle: The Stakes in a New Social Contract

Bernard Perret

Palabras clave: Labour Force Participation; Social Contract; Activity Cycle; Transfer Income; Social Negotiation.

Part II - Generations, Social Contract and Labour Force Participation: Theoretical and Empirical Issues | Pp. 105-113

Social Contract and Age at Retirement: Some Elements of a Franco-American Comparison

Patrick Aubert; Didier Blanchet; David Blau

Palabras clave: Labor Market; Employment Rate; Social Contract; Labor Demand; Pension System.

Part II - Generations, Social Contract and Labour Force Participation: Theoretical and Empirical Issues | Pp. 115-153

Longevity and Work

Pierre Pestieau

Palabras clave: Early Retirement; Pension System; Dependency Ratio; Pension Benefit; Budget Line.

Part II - Generations, Social Contract and Labour Force Participation: Theoretical and Empirical Issues | Pp. 155-166

Changes to the Legal Relationship Between Grandparents and Grandchildren in Quebec: A Disconcerting Evolution

Renée Joyal

Part III - Family and Relationships Between Generations | Pp. 169-176

Demographic Change and the Social Contract of Informal Support Within the Family

Jenny de Jong Gierveld

Palabras clave: Birth Cohort; Network Member; Informal Support; Instrumental Support; Support Provider.

Part III - Family and Relationships Between Generations | Pp. 177-190

Change and Reciprocity in Intergenerational Relationships: The Discourse Of Spanish Working Mothers

Constanza Tobío

Palabras clave: Labour Market; Discussion Group; Maternal Grandmother; Lone Mother; Depth Interview.

Part III - Family and Relationships Between Generations | Pp. 191-207

Intergenerational Exchanges in Older Populations

Emily Grundy

Palabras clave: Elderly People; Adult Child; Living Arrangement; Living Parent; Weekly Contact.

Part III - Family and Relationships Between Generations | Pp. 209-229