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Revision of Loose Femoral Prostheses: With a Stem System Based on the “Press-Fit” Principle: A Concept and a System of Implants: A Method and Its Results

Pierre Le Béguec ; Hans-Peter Sieber (eds.)

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Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial

Orthopedics; Surgical Orthopedics; Traumatic Surgery

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No detectada 2007 SpringerLink


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Springer Nature

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Reino Unido

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© Springer-Verlag France, Paris 2007

Tabla de contenidos

Choice of a Concept and an Implant

We will not present here an exhaustive picture of the numerous questions which may arise when one is confronted with the task of making the choice of a concept and an implant. We will however draw the surgeon’s attention to the difficulties which can arise during this first step.

Palabras clave: Bone Grafting; Revision Surgery; Bone Stock; Primary Stability; Periprosthetic Tissue.

First Part - The Concept of Press-Fit | Pp. 15-17

The Concept of “Press-Fit”

Press-fit is a commonly used fixation principle in industrial technology, the most known example being the fixation of two separate parts using a tapered cone system. The same principle is also applied when a cementless revision stem is firmly anchored in the femur. This principle was the choice of Wagner (20) in 1987.

Palabras clave: Sagittal Plane; Contact Zone; Frontal Plane; Medullary Canal; Neutral Zone.

First Part - The Concept of Press-Fit | Pp. 19-27

The PFM-Revision System

The PFM-Revision system of first generation consists in a set of femoral stems made of Ti 6A17Nb titanium alloy (Protasul — 100). Each implant is made up of 2 parts: one proximal component and one distal component.

Palabras clave: Titanium Alloy; Assembly System; Dynamic Resistance; Conical Area; Distal Component.

First Part - The Concept of Press-Fit | Pp. 29-34

Why Make These Choices?

When selecting a cementless implant, a careful decision should be made and it is necessary to prefer the well-defined concepts to ensure primary stability, and according to us, there are three of them: the press-fit, the interlocking system and the custom-made stems.

Palabras clave: Careful Decision; Primary Stability; Modular System; Interlocking System; Straight Stem.

First Part - The Concept of Press-Fit | Pp. 35-37

Radiological Analysis of the Femur

The radiological analysis which has the goal of establishing a strategy for the planned revision should be differentiated from the radiological examination which will help to appreciate the result of that operation in the future.

Palabras clave: Sagittal Plane; Frontal Plane; Granuloma Formation; Bone Stock; Medullary Canal.

Second Part - Preoperative Planning | Pp. 41-51

Determining a Surgical Strategy

Determining a surgical strategy is only possible if the surgeon is perfectly aware of the objectives to be reached and after having performed a careful analysis of the various parameters, which, according to A.C. Masquelet, allow to “base one’s deduction on facts and events”. These “facts and events”, considered as a whole, are often in contradiction with the prior objective of every cementless arthroplasty, which is the necessity to achieve, in any case, a perfect primary stability.

Palabras clave: Medullary Canal; Cement Mantle; Medial Cortex; Straight Stem; Trochanteric Osteotomy.

Second Part - Preoperative Planning | Pp. 53-65

Making a Preoperative Template

The making of a preoperative template is the third step in the preparation of a revision surgery.

Second Part - Preoperative Planning | Pp. 67-70

General Considerations

Palabras clave: Primary Stability; Conical Area; Distal Component; Anchorage Zone; Conical Zone.

Third Part - Surgical Technique | Pp. 73-81

Option 1: Femoral Flap

Making a femoral flap osteotomy during revision surgery is a good way to avoid incidents and to ensure a perfect primary stability, which will always take place in the diaphyseal region of the femur when the femoral flap is performed.

Palabras clave: Great Trochanter; Primary Stability; Medullary Canal; Medial Cortex; Straight Stem.

Third Part - Surgical Technique | Pp. 83-98

Option 2: Endofemoral Approach

This is not the most frequently used option. It may be considered whenever the femur is straight in the frontal plane. In this situation, the objective is to achieve fixation in the metaphyseo-diaphyseal region or in the proximal diaphyseal area.

Palabras clave: Proximal Femur; Great Trochanter; Medullary Canal; Cement Layer; Trochanteric Osteotomy.

Third Part - Surgical Technique | Pp. 99-112