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Handbook of Topological Fixed Point Theory

R. F. Brown ; M. Furi ; L. Górniewicz ; B. Jiang (eds.)

Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial

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Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial

Ordinary Differential Equations; Partial Differential Equations; Topology; Algebraic Topology

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No detectada 2005 SpringerLink


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Editor responsable

Springer Nature

País de edición

Reino Unido

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© Springer 2005

Cobertura temática

Tabla de contenidos

Coincidence Theory

Daciberg L. Gonçalves

Palabras clave: Coincidence Point; Klein Bottle; Lefschetz Number; Nielsen Number; Nielsen Class.

Chapter I - Homological Methods in Fixed Point Theory | Pp. 3-42

On the Lefschetz Fixed Point Theorem

Lech Górniewicz

Palabras clave: Open Subset; Point Theorem; Periodic Point; Point Index; Admissible Mapping.

Chapter I - Homological Methods in Fixed Point Theory | Pp. 43-82

Linearizations for Maps of Nilmanifolds and Solvmanifolds

Edward C. Keppelmann

Palabras clave: Periodic Point; Homotopy Class; Minimal Period; Klein Bottle; Integer Entry.

Chapter I - Homological Methods in Fixed Point Theory | Pp. 83-127

Homotopy Minimal Periods

Wacław Marzantowicz

Palabras clave: Linearization Matrix; Periodic Point; Minimal Period; Topological Entropy; Klein Bottle.

Chapter I - Homological Methods in Fixed Point Theory | Pp. 129-170

Periodic Points and Braid Theory

Takashi Matsuoka

Palabras clave: Periodic Orbit; Periodic Point; Braid Group; Topological Entropy; Rotation Vector.

Chapter I - Homological Methods in Fixed Point Theory | Pp. 171-216

Fixed Point Theory of Multivalued Weighted Maps

Jacobo Pejsachowicz; Robert Skiba

Palabras clave: Homotopy Class; Point Index; Lefschetz Number; Poincare Duality; Compact Vector.

Chapter I - Homological Methods in Fixed Point Theory | Pp. 217-263

Fixed Point Theory for Homogeneous Spaces A Brief Survey

Peter Wong

Palabras clave: Coset Space; Point Class; Coincidence Problem; Lefschetz Number; Nielsen Number.

Chapter I - Homological Methods in Fixed Point Theory | Pp. 265-283

A Note on Equivariant Fixed Point Theory

Davide L. Ferrario

Palabras clave: Periodic Point; Point Index; Lefschetz Number; Fixed Point Index; Nielsen Number.

Chapter II - Equivariant Fixed Point Theory | Pp. 287-300

Equivariant Degree

Jorge Ize

Palabras clave: Periodic Solution; Periodic Orbit; Hopf Bifurcation; Erential Equation; Nonlinear Anal.

Chapter II - Equivariant Fixed Point Theory | Pp. 301-337

Bifurcations of Solutions of SO(2)-Symmetric Nonlinear Problems with Variational Structure

Sawomir Rybicki

Palabras clave: Periodic Solution; Weak Solution; Morse Index; Morse Theory; Degree Theory.

Chapter II - Equivariant Fixed Point Theory | Pp. 339-372