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Plate and Panel Structures of Isotropic, Composite and Piezoelectric Materials, Including Sandwich Construction

Jack R. Vinson

Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial

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Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial

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No detectada 2005 SpringerLink


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ISBN electrónico


Editor responsable

Springer Nature

País de edición

Reino Unido

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Información sobre derechos de publicación

© Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 2005

Cobertura temática

Tabla de contenidos

Equations of Linear Elasticity in Cartesian Coordinates

Jack R. Vinson

Palabras clave: Shear Strain; Isotropic Material; Control Element; Comp Liance Tensor; Face Traction.

Part 1 - Plates and Panels of Isotropic Materials | Pp. 1-9

Derivation of the Governing Equations for Isotropic Rectangular Plates

Jack R. Vinson

Palabras clave: Plate Theory; Surface Shear Stress; Isotropic Rectangular Plate; Edge Elastically; Elastic Stress Strain Relation.

Part 1 - Plates and Panels of Isotropic Materials | Pp. 11-28

Solutions to Problems of Isotropic Rectangular Plates

Jack R. Vinson

Palabras clave: Lateral Load; Maximum Deflection; Allowable Stress; Isotropic Plate; Lateral Deflection.

Part 1 - Plates and Panels of Isotropic Materials | Pp. 29-49

Thermal Stresses in Plates

Jack R. Vinson

Palabras clave: Thermal Stress; Lateral Deflection; Displacement Restriction; Thermoelastic Effect; Stress Free Temperature.

Part 1 - Plates and Panels of Isotropic Materials | Pp. 51-65

Circular Isotropic Plates

Jack R. Vinson

Palabras clave: Circular Plate; Laminate Plate; Lateral Deflection; Annular Circular Plate; Dial Stress.

Part 1 - Plates and Panels of Isotropic Materials | Pp. 67-94

Buckling of Isotropic Columns and Plates

Jack R. Vinson

Palabras clave: Elastic Foundation; Lateral Load; Plate Element; Flexural Stiffness; Lateral Deflection.

Part 1 - Plates and Panels of Isotropic Materials | Pp. 95-114

Vibrations of Isotropic Beams and Plates

Jack R. Vinson

Palabras clave: Mode Shape; Transverse Shear Deformation; Lateral Deflection; Fundamental Natural Frequenc; Lower Natural Frequenc.

Part 1 - Plates and Panels of Isotropic Materials | Pp. 115-120

Theorem of Minimum Potential Energy, Hamilton’s Principle and Their Applications

Jack R. Vinson

Palabras clave: Lateral Load; Lateral Deflection; Stress Boundary Condition; Deflection Function; Geometric Boundary Condition.

Part 1 - Plates and Panels of Isotropic Materials | Pp. 121-141

Reissner’s Variational Theorem and Its Applications

Jack R. Vinson

Palabras clave: Rotatory Inertia; Versus Versus Versus Versus Versus; Transverse Shear Deformation; Transverse Norma Stress; Classical Beam Theory.

Part 1 - Plates and Panels of Isotropic Materials | Pp. 143-155

Anisotropic Elasticity and Composite Laminate Theory

Jack R. Vinson

Palabras clave: Short Fiber Composite; Hygrothermal Effect; Mater Ials; Force Material Laboratory Technical Report; Composite Laminate Theory.

Part 2 - Plates and Panels of Composite Materials | Pp. 157-203