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A Primal Perspective on the Philosophy of Religio

Arvind Sharma

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No detectada 2006 SpringerLink


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Springer Nature

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Reino Unido

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© Springer 2006

Tabla de contenidos

The Concept of God: Monotheism

Arvind Sharma

In this paper, an intelligent power management scheme for embedded systems with wireless applications is proposed to reduce the power consumption of the overall system. The proposed method is based on the feedback of the extreme channel state indicator that is designed to detect the extremely bad channel condition. The considerable power reduction is achieved by turning off modules within the embedded system related to the information transmissions under such an unreliable channel condition. A simple extreme channel state detector is also proposed.

Pp. 21-31

Other Concepts of God

Arvind Sharma

In this paper, an intelligent power management scheme for embedded systems with wireless applications is proposed to reduce the power consumption of the overall system. The proposed method is based on the feedback of the extreme channel state indicator that is designed to detect the extremely bad channel condition. The considerable power reduction is achieved by turning off modules within the embedded system related to the information transmissions under such an unreliable channel condition. A simple extreme channel state detector is also proposed.

Pp. 33-55

Arguments for the Existence of God

Arvind Sharma

In this paper, an intelligent power management scheme for embedded systems with wireless applications is proposed to reduce the power consumption of the overall system. The proposed method is based on the feedback of the extreme channel state indicator that is designed to detect the extremely bad channel condition. The considerable power reduction is achieved by turning off modules within the embedded system related to the information transmissions under such an unreliable channel condition. A simple extreme channel state detector is also proposed.

Pp. 57-69

Arguments Against the Existence of God

Arvind Sharma

In this paper, an intelligent power management scheme for embedded systems with wireless applications is proposed to reduce the power consumption of the overall system. The proposed method is based on the feedback of the extreme channel state indicator that is designed to detect the extremely bad channel condition. The considerable power reduction is achieved by turning off modules within the embedded system related to the information transmissions under such an unreliable channel condition. A simple extreme channel state detector is also proposed.

Pp. 71-80

The Problem of Evil

Arvind Sharma

In this paper, an intelligent power management scheme for embedded systems with wireless applications is proposed to reduce the power consumption of the overall system. The proposed method is based on the feedback of the extreme channel state indicator that is designed to detect the extremely bad channel condition. The considerable power reduction is achieved by turning off modules within the embedded system related to the information transmissions under such an unreliable channel condition. A simple extreme channel state detector is also proposed.

Pp. 81-92

The Concept of Revelation and the Primal Religious Tradition

Arvind Sharma

In this paper, an intelligent power management scheme for embedded systems with wireless applications is proposed to reduce the power consumption of the overall system. The proposed method is based on the feedback of the extreme channel state indicator that is designed to detect the extremely bad channel condition. The considerable power reduction is achieved by turning off modules within the embedded system related to the information transmissions under such an unreliable channel condition. A simple extreme channel state detector is also proposed.

Pp. 93-109

Theories of Faith

Arvind Sharma

In this paper, an intelligent power management scheme for embedded systems with wireless applications is proposed to reduce the power consumption of the overall system. The proposed method is based on the feedback of the extreme channel state indicator that is designed to detect the extremely bad channel condition. The considerable power reduction is achieved by turning off modules within the embedded system related to the information transmissions under such an unreliable channel condition. A simple extreme channel state detector is also proposed.

Pp. 111-119

Evidentialism, Foundationalism and Rational Belief

Arvind Sharma

In this paper, an intelligent power management scheme for embedded systems with wireless applications is proposed to reduce the power consumption of the overall system. The proposed method is based on the feedback of the extreme channel state indicator that is designed to detect the extremely bad channel condition. The considerable power reduction is achieved by turning off modules within the embedded system related to the information transmissions under such an unreliable channel condition. A simple extreme channel state detector is also proposed.

Pp. 121-129

Language and Religious Thought

Arvind Sharma

In this paper, an intelligent power management scheme for embedded systems with wireless applications is proposed to reduce the power consumption of the overall system. The proposed method is based on the feedback of the extreme channel state indicator that is designed to detect the extremely bad channel condition. The considerable power reduction is achieved by turning off modules within the embedded system related to the information transmissions under such an unreliable channel condition. A simple extreme channel state detector is also proposed.

Pp. 131-138

The Problems of Religious Language

Arvind Sharma

In this paper, an intelligent power management scheme for embedded systems with wireless applications is proposed to reduce the power consumption of the overall system. The proposed method is based on the feedback of the extreme channel state indicator that is designed to detect the extremely bad channel condition. The considerable power reduction is achieved by turning off modules within the embedded system related to the information transmissions under such an unreliable channel condition. A simple extreme channel state detector is also proposed.

Pp. 139-155