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3D Radiative Transfer in Cloudy Atmospheres

Alexander Marshak ; Anthony Davis (eds.)

Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial

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No detectada 2005 SpringerLink


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Editor responsable

Springer Nature

País de edición

Reino Unido

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© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2005

Tabla de contenidos

Scales, Tools and Reminiscences

W.J. Wiscombe

The length of this chapter should in no way obscure its simplicity.

Part I - Preliminaries | Pp. 3-92

Observing Clouds and Their Optical Properties

E.E. Clothiaux; H.W. Barker; A.V. Korolev

The length of this chapter should in no way obscure its simplicity.

Part I - Preliminaries | Pp. 93-150

A Primer in 3D Radiative Transfer

A.B. Davis; Y. Knyazikhin

The length of this chapter should in no way obscure its simplicity.

Part II - Fundamentals | Pp. 153-242

Numerical Methods

K.F. Evans; A. Marshak

The length of this chapter should in no way obscure its simplicity.

Part II - Fundamentals | Pp. 243-281

Approximation Methods in Atmospheric 3D Radiative Transfer Part 1: Resolved Variability and Phenomenology

A.B. Davis; I.N. Polonsky

The length of this chapter should in no way obscure its simplicity.

Part II - Fundamentals | Pp. 283-340

Approximation Methods in Atmospheric 3D Radiative Transfer Part 2: Unresolved Variability and Climate Applications

H.W. Barker; A.B. Davis

The length of this chapter should in no way obscure its simplicity.

Part III - Climate | Pp. 343-383

3D Radiative Transfer in Stochastic Media

N. Byrne

The length of this chapter should in no way obscure its simplicity.

Part III - Climate | Pp. 385-424

Effective Cloud Properties for Large-Scale Models

R.F. Cahalan

The length of this chapter should in no way obscure its simplicity.

Part III - Climate | Pp. 425-448

Broadband Irradiances and Heating Rates for Cloudy Atmospheres

H.W. Barker

The length of this chapter should in no way obscure its simplicity.

Part III - Climate | Pp. 449-486

Longwave Radiative Transfer in Inhomogeneous Cloud Layers

R.G. Ellingson; E.E. Takara

The length of this chapter should in no way obscure its simplicity.

Part III - Climate | Pp. 487-519