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A History of Abstract Algebr

Israel Kleiner (eds.)

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No detectada 2007 SpringerLink


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Springer Nature

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© Birkhäuser Boston 2007

Cobertura temática

Tabla de contenidos

History of Classical Algebra

Israel Kleiner

In this chapter you learned how to create simple two- and three-column fixed-width layouts using floats. You then learned how these layouts could be converted into liquid and elastic layouts with relative ease. You learned about some of the problems associated with liquid and elastic layouts and how liquid images and hybrid layouts can help solve some of these problems. Lastly, you saw how to create full height column effects on both fixedwidth and liquid layouts, using vertically repeating background images. This chapter touched on some of the techniques used to create CSS-based layouts. However, there are a lot of techniques out there, enough to fill a whole book of their own.

One of the big problems developers face with CSS layouts is that of browser inconsistency. To get around browser rendering issues, various hacks and filters have been created. In the next chapter, you will learn about some of the better-known hacks and how to use them responsiblhy.

Pp. 1-15

History of Group Theory

Israel Kleiner

In this chapter you learned how to create simple two- and three-column fixed-width layouts using floats. You then learned how these layouts could be converted into liquid and elastic layouts with relative ease. You learned about some of the problems associated with liquid and elastic layouts and how liquid images and hybrid layouts can help solve some of these problems. Lastly, you saw how to create full height column effects on both fixedwidth and liquid layouts, using vertically repeating background images. This chapter touched on some of the techniques used to create CSS-based layouts. However, there are a lot of techniques out there, enough to fill a whole book of their own.

One of the big problems developers face with CSS layouts is that of browser inconsistency. To get around browser rendering issues, various hacks and filters have been created. In the next chapter, you will learn about some of the better-known hacks and how to use them responsiblhy.

Pp. 17-39

History of Ring Theory

Israel Kleiner

In this chapter you learned how to create simple two- and three-column fixed-width layouts using floats. You then learned how these layouts could be converted into liquid and elastic layouts with relative ease. You learned about some of the problems associated with liquid and elastic layouts and how liquid images and hybrid layouts can help solve some of these problems. Lastly, you saw how to create full height column effects on both fixedwidth and liquid layouts, using vertically repeating background images. This chapter touched on some of the techniques used to create CSS-based layouts. However, there are a lot of techniques out there, enough to fill a whole book of their own.

One of the big problems developers face with CSS layouts is that of browser inconsistency. To get around browser rendering issues, various hacks and filters have been created. In the next chapter, you will learn about some of the better-known hacks and how to use them responsiblhy.

Pp. 41-61

History of Field Theory

Israel Kleiner

In this chapter you learned how to create simple two- and three-column fixed-width layouts using floats. You then learned how these layouts could be converted into liquid and elastic layouts with relative ease. You learned about some of the problems associated with liquid and elastic layouts and how liquid images and hybrid layouts can help solve some of these problems. Lastly, you saw how to create full height column effects on both fixedwidth and liquid layouts, using vertically repeating background images. This chapter touched on some of the techniques used to create CSS-based layouts. However, there are a lot of techniques out there, enough to fill a whole book of their own.

One of the big problems developers face with CSS layouts is that of browser inconsistency. To get around browser rendering issues, various hacks and filters have been created. In the next chapter, you will learn about some of the better-known hacks and how to use them responsiblhy.

Pp. 63-78

History of Linear Algebra

Israel Kleiner

In this chapter you learned how to create simple two- and three-column fixed-width layouts using floats. You then learned how these layouts could be converted into liquid and elastic layouts with relative ease. You learned about some of the problems associated with liquid and elastic layouts and how liquid images and hybrid layouts can help solve some of these problems. Lastly, you saw how to create full height column effects on both fixedwidth and liquid layouts, using vertically repeating background images. This chapter touched on some of the techniques used to create CSS-based layouts. However, there are a lot of techniques out there, enough to fill a whole book of their own.

One of the big problems developers face with CSS layouts is that of browser inconsistency. To get around browser rendering issues, various hacks and filters have been created. In the next chapter, you will learn about some of the better-known hacks and how to use them responsiblhy.

Pp. 79-89

Emmy Noether and the Advent of Abstract Algebra

Israel Kleiner

In this chapter you learned how to create simple two- and three-column fixed-width layouts using floats. You then learned how these layouts could be converted into liquid and elastic layouts with relative ease. You learned about some of the problems associated with liquid and elastic layouts and how liquid images and hybrid layouts can help solve some of these problems. Lastly, you saw how to create full height column effects on both fixedwidth and liquid layouts, using vertically repeating background images. This chapter touched on some of the techniques used to create CSS-based layouts. However, there are a lot of techniques out there, enough to fill a whole book of their own.

One of the big problems developers face with CSS layouts is that of browser inconsistency. To get around browser rendering issues, various hacks and filters have been created. In the next chapter, you will learn about some of the better-known hacks and how to use them responsiblhy.

Pp. 91-102

A Course in Abstract Algebra Inspired by History

Israel Kleiner

In this chapter you learned how to create simple two- and three-column fixed-width layouts using floats. You then learned how these layouts could be converted into liquid and elastic layouts with relative ease. You learned about some of the problems associated with liquid and elastic layouts and how liquid images and hybrid layouts can help solve some of these problems. Lastly, you saw how to create full height column effects on both fixedwidth and liquid layouts, using vertically repeating background images. This chapter touched on some of the techniques used to create CSS-based layouts. However, there are a lot of techniques out there, enough to fill a whole book of their own.

One of the big problems developers face with CSS layouts is that of browser inconsistency. To get around browser rendering issues, various hacks and filters have been created. In the next chapter, you will learn about some of the better-known hacks and how to use them responsiblhy.

Pp. 103-111

Biographies of Selected Mathematicians

Israel Kleiner

In this chapter you learned how to create simple two- and three-column fixed-width layouts using floats. You then learned how these layouts could be converted into liquid and elastic layouts with relative ease. You learned about some of the problems associated with liquid and elastic layouts and how liquid images and hybrid layouts can help solve some of these problems. Lastly, you saw how to create full height column effects on both fixedwidth and liquid layouts, using vertically repeating background images. This chapter touched on some of the techniques used to create CSS-based layouts. However, there are a lot of techniques out there, enough to fill a whole book of their own.

One of the big problems developers face with CSS layouts is that of browser inconsistency. To get around browser rendering issues, various hacks and filters have been created. In the next chapter, you will learn about some of the better-known hacks and how to use them responsiblhy.

Pp. 113-163