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Container Terminals and Cargo Systems: Design, Operations Management, and Logistics Control Issues

Kap Hwan Kim ; Hans-Otto Günther (eds.)

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Operations Management; Industrial and Production Engineering; Operation Research/Decision Theory

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No detectada 2007 SpringerLink


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Springer Nature

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Reino Unido

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© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2007

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Container terminals and terminal operations

Kap Hwan Kim; Hans-Otto Günther

This paper deals with automated guided vehicles (AGVs) which transport containers between the quay and the stack on automated container terminals. The focus is on the assignment of transportation jobs to AGVs within a terminal control system operating in real time. First, we describe a rather common problem formulation based on due times for the jobs and solve this problem both with a greedy priority rule based heuristic and with an exact algorithm. Subsequently, we present an alternative formulation of the assignment problem, which does not include due times. This formulation is based on a rough analogy to inventory management and is solved using an exact algorithm. The idea behind this alternative formulation is to avoid estimates of driving times, completion times, due times, and tardiness because such estimates are often highly unreliable in practice and do not allow for accurate planning. By means of simulation, we then analyze the different approaches. We show that the inventory-based model leads to better productivity on the terminal than the due-time-based formulation.

Part 1: - Introduction | Pp. 3-12

Simulation of a multiterminal system for container handling

Jaap A. Ottjes; Hans P. M. Veeke; Mark B. Duinkerken; Joan C. Rijsenbrij; Gabriel Lodewijks

A generic simulation model structure for the design and evaluation of multiterminal systems for container handling is proposed. A model is constructed by combining three basic functions: transport, transfer, and stacking. It can be used for further detailing of the subsystems in the terminal complex while preserving the container flow patterns in the system. The modeling approach has been applied to the complete set of existing and future terminals in the Rotterdam port area, using forecasts of containers flows, statistical data from existing terminals, expert opinions, and conceptual designs of the new port area called “second Maasvlakte”. Experimental results including the requirements for deep-sea quay lengths, storage capacities, and equipment for interterminal transport are shown. Further traffic flows on the terminal infrastructure are determined, and the consequences of applying security scanning of containers are evaluated.

Part 2: - Container terminals | Pp. 15-36

Comparing transportation systems for inter-terminal transport at the Maasvlakte container terminals

Mark B. Duinkerken; Rommert Dekker; Stef T. G. L. Kurstjens; Jaap A. Ottjes; Nico P. Dellaert

In this paper, a comparison between three transportation systems for the overland transport of containers between container terminals is presented. A simulation model has been developed to assist in this respect. Transport in this study can be done by either multi-trailers, automated guided vehicles or automated lifting vehicles. The model is equipped with a rule-based control system as well as an advanced planning algorithm. The model is applied to a realistic scenario for the Maasvlakte situation in the near future. The experiments give insight into the importance of the different characteristics of the transport systems and their interaction with the handling equipment. Finally, a cost analysis has been executed to support management investment decisions.

Part 2: - Container terminals | Pp. 37-61

Berth management in container terminal: The template design problem

Rajeeva Moorthy; Chung-Piaw Teo

One of the foremost planning problems in container transshipment operation concerns the allocation of (preferred berthing location) to a set of vessels scheduled to call at the terminal on a weekly basis. The home berth location is subsequently used as a key input to yard storage, personnel, and equipment deployment planning. For instance, the yard planners use the home berth template to plan for the storage locations of transshipment containers within the terminal. These decisions (yard storage plan) are in turn used as inputs in actual berthing operations, when the vessels call at the terminal. In this paper, we study the economical impact of the home berth template design problem on container terminal operations. In particular, we show that it involves a delicate trade-off between the service (waiting time for vessels) and cost (movement of containers between berth and yard) dimension of operations in the terminal. The problem is further exacerbated by the fact that the actual arrival time of the vessels often deviates from the scheduled arrival time, resulting in last-minute scrambling and change of plans in the terminal operations. Practitioners on the ground deal with this issue by building (capacity) buffers in the operational plan and to scramble for additional resources if needs be. We propose a framework to address the home berth design problem. We model this as a rectangle packing problem on a cylinder and use a sequence pair based simulated annealing algorithm to solve the problem. The sequence pair approach allows us to optimize over a large class of packing efficiently and decomposes the home berth problem with data uncertainty into two smaller subproblems that can be readily handled using techniques from stochastic project scheduling. To evaluate the quality of a template, we use a dynamic berth allocation package developed recently by Dai et al. (unpublished manuscript, 2004) to obtain various berthing statistics associated with the template. Extensive computational results show that the proposed model is able to construct efficient and robust template for transshipment hub operations.

Part 2: - Container terminals | Pp. 63-86

Mathematical modelling of container transfers and storage locations at seaport terminals

Erhan Kozan; Peter Preston

This paper models the seaport system with the objective of determining the optimal storage strategy and container-handling schedule. It presents an iterative search algorithm that integrates a container-transfer model with a container-location model in a cyclic fashion to determine both optimal locations and corresponding handling schedule. A genetic algorithm (GA), a tabu search (TS) and a tabu search/genetic algorithm hybrid are used to solve the problem. The implementation of these models and algorithms are capable of handling the very large problems that arise in container terminal operations. Different resource levels are analysed and a comparison with current practise at an Australian port is done.

Part 2: - Container terminals | Pp. 87-105

An optimization model for storage yard management in transshipment hubs

Loo Hay Lee; Ek Peng Chew; Kok Choon Tan; Yongbin Han

This paper studies a yard storage allocation problem in a transshipment hub where there is a great number of loading and unloading activities. The primary challenge is to efficiently shift containers between the vessels and the storage area so that reshuffling and traffic congestion is minimized. In particular, to reduce reshuffling, a consignment strategy is used. This strategy groups unloaded containers according to their destination vessel. To reduce traffic congestion, a new workload balancing protocol is proposed. A mixed integer-programming model is then formulated to determine the minimum number of yard cranes to deploy and the location where unloaded containers should be stored. The model is solved using CPLEX. Due to the size and complexity of this model two heuristics are also developed. The first is a sequential method while the second is a column generation method. A bound is developed that allows the quality of the solution to be judged. Lastly, a numerical investigation is provided and demonstrates that the algorithms perform adequately on most cases considered.

Part 2: - Container terminals | Pp. 107-129

Advanced methods for container stacking

Rommert Dekker; Patrick Voogd; Eelco van Asperen

In this paper, we study stacking policies for containers at an automated container terminal. It is motivated by the increasing pressure on terminal performance put forward by the increase in the size of container ships. We consider several variants of category stacking, where containers can be exchanged during the loading process. The categories facilitate both stacking and online optimization of stowage. We also consider workload variations for the stacking cranes.

Part 2: - Container terminals | Pp. 131-154

Strategies for dispatching AGVs at automated seaport container terminals

Martin Grunow; Hans-Otto Günther; Matthias Lehmann

Control of logistics operations at container terminals is an extremely complex task, especially if automated guided vehicles (AGVs) are employed. In AGV dispatching, the stochastic nature of the handling systems must be taken into account. For instance, handling times of quay and stacking cranes as well as release times of transportation orders are not exactly known in advance. We present a simulation study of AGV dispatching strategies in a seaport container terminal, where AGVs can be used in single or dual-carrier mode. The latter allows transporting two small-sized (20 ft) or one large-sized (40 ft) container at a time, while in single-mode only one container is loaded onto the AGV irrespective of the size of the container. In our investigation, a typical on-line dispatching strategy adopted from flexible manufacturing systems is compared with a more sophisticated, pattern-based off-line heuristic. The performance of the dispatching strategies is evaluated using a scalable simulation model. The design of the experimental study reflects conditions which are typical of a real automated terminal environment. Major experimental factors are the size of the terminal and the degree of stochastic variations. Results of the simulation study reveal that the pattern-based off-line heuristic proposed by the authors clearly outperforms its on-line counterpart. For the most realistic scenario investigated, a deviation from a lower bound of less than 5% is achieved when the dual-load capability of the AGVs is utilized.

Part 2: - Container terminals | Pp. 155-178

Dispatching vehicles in a mega container terminal

Ebru K. Bish; Frank Y. Chen; Yin Thin Leong; Barry L. Nelson; Jonathan Wing Cheong Ng; David Simchi-Levi

We consider a container terminal discharging and uploading containers to and from ships. The discharged containers are stored at prespecified storage locations in the terminal yard. Containers are moved between the ship area and the yard using a fleet of vehicles, each of which can carry one container at a time. The problem is to dispatch vehicles to the containers so as to minimize the total time it takes to serve a ship, which is the total time it takes to discharge all containers from the ship and upload new containers onto the ship. We develop easily implementable heuristic algorithms and identify both the absolute and asymptotic worst-case performance ratios of these heuristics. In simple settings, most of these algorithms are optimal, while in more general settings, we show, through numerical experiments, that these algorithms obtain near-optimal results for the dispatching problem.

Part 2: - Container terminals | Pp. 179-194

Inventory-based dispatching of automated guided vehicles on container terminals

Dirk Briskorn; Andreas Drexl; Sönke Hartmann

This paper deals with automated guided vehicles (AGVs) which transport containers between the quay and the stack on automated container terminals. The focus is on the assignment of transportation jobs to AGVs within a terminal control system operating in real time. First, we describe a rather common problem formulation based on due times for the jobs and solve this problem both with a greedy priority rule based heuristic and with an exact algorithm. Subsequently, we present an alternative formulation of the assignment problem, which does not include due times. This formulation is based on a rough analogy to inventory management and is solved using an exact algorithm. The idea behind this alternative formulation is to avoid estimates of driving times, completion times, due times, and tardiness because such estimates are often highly unreliable in practice and do not allow for accurate planning. By means of simulation, we then analyze the different approaches. We show that the inventory-based model leads to better productivity on the terminal than the due-time-based formulation.

Part 2: - Container terminals | Pp. 195-214