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Turkish Studies in the History and Philosophy if Science

Gürol Irzik ; Güven Güzeldere (eds.)

Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial

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Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial

Philosophy of Science; History of Science; Epistemology; Philosophy of Language; Philosophy of Mind

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No detectada 2005 SpringerLink


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Springer Nature

País de edición

Reino Unido

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© Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 2005

Tabla de contenidos

Introductory Remarks

Gürol Irzik; Güven Güzeldere

Recently, there is a massive use of the agent technology to develop the intelligent software and smart control module. In this paper, we propose a support tool for Multi-Agent Development, which enables the overall development time to be reduced. The proposed tool provides the general architecture constructed by components, interfaces, and functions of an agent an It also provides the extended Message Sequence Diagram for the communication of Multi-Agent. With the aid of proposed tool, developers who are inexperience in agent development can design and implement Multi-Agent rapidly.

Pp. 1-5

An Interview with Maria Reichenbach and David Kaplan

Gürol Irzik; Güven Güzeldere

Einstein’s special theory of relativity is established as securely as any theory can be but his general theory of relativity dealing with gravitation is quite far from reaching a comparable status. About his field equations of general relativity Einstein himself have said: “My equation is like a house with two wings; the left-hand side is made of fine marble, but the right-hand side is perishable wood.” The purpose of this article is to indicate that there exists a basic modification of general relativity which renders the right-hand side of the equations fine marble as well.

Pp. 7-24

Demarcation of the Logical Constants and Logical Truth in Terms of Analyticity

Teo Grünberg

Einstein’s special theory of relativity is established as securely as any theory can be but his general theory of relativity dealing with gravitation is quite far from reaching a comparable status. About his field equations of general relativity Einstein himself have said: “My equation is like a house with two wings; the left-hand side is made of fine marble, but the right-hand side is perishable wood.” The purpose of this article is to indicate that there exists a basic modification of general relativity which renders the right-hand side of the equations fine marble as well.

Part I - Philosophy of Formal and Physical Sciences | Pp. 27-38

General Theory of Relativity and the 5th Test

Hüseyi̇n Yilmaz

Einstein’s special theory of relativity is established as securely as any theory can be but his general theory of relativity dealing with gravitation is quite far from reaching a comparable status. About his field equations of general relativity Einstein himself have said: “My equation is like a house with two wings; the left-hand side is made of fine marble, but the right-hand side is perishable wood.” The purpose of this article is to indicate that there exists a basic modification of general relativity which renders the right-hand side of the equations fine marble as well.

Part I - Philosophy of Formal and Physical Sciences | Pp. 39-58

Implications of the Geometry of Quantum Mechanical Perfect Correlation Functions Concerning “Bell’s Theorem without Inequalities”

Yalçin Koç

Recently, there is a massive use of the agent technology to develop the intelligent software and smart control module. In this paper, we propose a support tool for Multi-Agent Development, which enables the overall development time to be reduced. The proposed tool provides the general architecture constructed by components, interfaces, and functions of an agent an It also provides the extended Message Sequence Diagram for the communication of Multi-Agent. With the aid of proposed tool, developers who are inexperience in agent development can design and implement Multi-Agent rapidly.

Part I - Philosophy of Formal and Physical Sciences | Pp. 59-67

Quine’s Robust Relativism

Ümi̇t D. Yalçin

Einstein’s special theory of relativity is established as securely as any theory can be but his general theory of relativity dealing with gravitation is quite far from reaching a comparable status. About his field equations of general relativity Einstein himself have said: “My equation is like a house with two wings; the left-hand side is made of fine marble, but the right-hand side is perishable wood.” The purpose of this article is to indicate that there exists a basic modification of general relativity which renders the right-hand side of the equations fine marble as well.

Part II - Epistemological and Methodological Issues in Science | Pp. 71-85

Confirmation of Theoretical Hypotheses: Bootstrapping with a Bayesian Face

David Grünberg

Einstein’s special theory of relativity is established as securely as any theory can be but his general theory of relativity dealing with gravitation is quite far from reaching a comparable status. About his field equations of general relativity Einstein himself have said: “My equation is like a house with two wings; the left-hand side is made of fine marble, but the right-hand side is perishable wood.” The purpose of this article is to indicate that there exists a basic modification of general relativity which renders the right-hand side of the equations fine marble as well.

Part II - Epistemological and Methodological Issues in Science | Pp. 87-101

Idealizations and Approximations in Science, and the Bayesian Theory of Confirmation

Erdi̇nç Sayan

Einstein’s special theory of relativity is established as securely as any theory can be but his general theory of relativity dealing with gravitation is quite far from reaching a comparable status. About his field equations of general relativity Einstein himself have said: “My equation is like a house with two wings; the left-hand side is made of fine marble, but the right-hand side is perishable wood.” The purpose of this article is to indicate that there exists a basic modification of general relativity which renders the right-hand side of the equations fine marble as well.

Part II - Epistemological and Methodological Issues in Science | Pp. 103-112

Repeated Independent Discovery and ‘Objective Evidence’ in Science: An Example from Geology

A.M.C. Şengör

Einstein’s special theory of relativity is established as securely as any theory can be but his general theory of relativity dealing with gravitation is quite far from reaching a comparable status. About his field equations of general relativity Einstein himself have said: “My equation is like a house with two wings; the left-hand side is made of fine marble, but the right-hand side is perishable wood.” The purpose of this article is to indicate that there exists a basic modification of general relativity which renders the right-hand side of the equations fine marble as well.

Part II - Epistemological and Methodological Issues in Science | Pp. 113-135

A Study on the Heuristic of Saccheri’s

S. Bağçe

Einstein’s special theory of relativity is established as securely as any theory can be but his general theory of relativity dealing with gravitation is quite far from reaching a comparable status. About his field equations of general relativity Einstein himself have said: “My equation is like a house with two wings; the left-hand side is made of fine marble, but the right-hand side is perishable wood.” The purpose of this article is to indicate that there exists a basic modification of general relativity which renders the right-hand side of the equations fine marble as well.

Part II - Epistemological and Methodological Issues in Science | Pp. 137-150