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A Modern Perspective on Type Theor: From its Origins until Today

Fairouz Kamareddine Twan Laan Rob Nederpelt

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Mathematical Logic and Foundations; Mathematics of Computing; Logic

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No detectada 2005 SpringerLink


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Springer Nature

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Reino Unido

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© Springer Science + Business Media, Inc. 2005

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Fairouz Kamareddine; Twan Laan; Rob Nederpelt

The consideration of whether to adopt rapid prototyping (RP) technology in general or a specific system in particular is not a trivial issue for most organizations. This technology has influences and has implications for a variety of intra-organizational functions and inter-organizational boundaries. The decision issues faced by these organizations include the balancing of needs across the organization and its partners, consideration of tangible and intangible factors, and the consideration of strategic and operational dimensions. In this chapter we introduce some of the categories of attributes and factors that organizations need to consider. The various factors are then evaluated using a multiattribute utility model called the analytical network process. An illustrative example provides insights into the execution of the technique. The technique is useful due to its capability to consider the many relationships and influences among the factors. It is also flexible enough to consider perceptual as well as more objective data and information when analyzing the problem situation.

- Introduction | Pp. 1-6


Fairouz Kamareddine; Twan Laan; Rob Nederpelt

The consideration of whether to adopt rapid prototyping (RP) technology in general or a specific system in particular is not a trivial issue for most organizations. This technology has influences and has implications for a variety of intra-organizational functions and inter-organizational boundaries. The decision issues faced by these organizations include the balancing of needs across the organization and its partners, consideration of tangible and intangible factors, and the consideration of strategic and operational dimensions. In this chapter we introduce some of the categories of attributes and factors that organizations need to consider. The various factors are then evaluated using a multiattribute utility model called the analytical network process. An illustrative example provides insights into the execution of the technique. The technique is useful due to its capability to consider the many relationships and influences among the factors. It is also flexible enough to consider perceptual as well as more objective data and information when analyzing the problem situation.

Part I - The Evolution of Type Theory until the 1940s | Pp. 3-18

Type theory in Principia Mathematica

Fairouz Kamareddine; Twan Laan; Rob Nederpelt

The consideration of whether to adopt rapid prototyping (RP) technology in general or a specific system in particular is not a trivial issue for most organizations. This technology has influences and has implications for a variety of intra-organizational functions and inter-organizational boundaries. The decision issues faced by these organizations include the balancing of needs across the organization and its partners, consideration of tangible and intangible factors, and the consideration of strategic and operational dimensions. In this chapter we introduce some of the categories of attributes and factors that organizations need to consider. The various factors are then evaluated using a multiattribute utility model called the analytical network process. An illustrative example provides insights into the execution of the technique. The technique is useful due to its capability to consider the many relationships and influences among the factors. It is also flexible enough to consider perceptual as well as more objective data and information when analyzing the problem situation.

Part I - The Evolution of Type Theory until the 1940s | Pp. 19-67


Fairouz Kamareddine; Twan Laan; Rob Nederpelt

The consideration of whether to adopt rapid prototyping (RP) technology in general or a specific system in particular is not a trivial issue for most organizations. This technology has influences and has implications for a variety of intra-organizational functions and inter-organizational boundaries. The decision issues faced by these organizations include the balancing of needs across the organization and its partners, consideration of tangible and intangible factors, and the consideration of strategic and operational dimensions. In this chapter we introduce some of the categories of attributes and factors that organizations need to consider. The various factors are then evaluated using a multiattribute utility model called the analytical network process. An illustrative example provides insights into the execution of the technique. The technique is useful due to its capability to consider the many relationships and influences among the factors. It is also flexible enough to consider perceptual as well as more objective data and information when analyzing the problem situation.

Part I - The Evolution of Type Theory until the 1940s | Pp. 69-101

Propositions as Types and Pure Type Systems

Fairouz Kamareddine; Twan Laan; Rob Nederpelt

The consideration of whether to adopt rapid prototyping (RP) technology in general or a specific system in particular is not a trivial issue for most organizations. This technology has influences and has implications for a variety of intra-organizational functions and inter-organizational boundaries. The decision issues faced by these organizations include the balancing of needs across the organization and its partners, consideration of tangible and intangible factors, and the consideration of strategic and operational dimensions. In this chapter we introduce some of the categories of attributes and factors that organizations need to consider. The various factors are then evaluated using a multiattribute utility model called the analytical network process. An illustrative example provides insights into the execution of the technique. The technique is useful due to its capability to consider the many relationships and influences among the factors. It is also flexible enough to consider perceptual as well as more objective data and information when analyzing the problem situation.

Part II - Propositions as Types, Pure Type Systems, AUTOMATH | Pp. 105-123

The pre-PAT RTT and STT in PAT-style

Fairouz Kamareddine; Twan Laan; Rob Nederpelt

The consideration of whether to adopt rapid prototyping (RP) technology in general or a specific system in particular is not a trivial issue for most organizations. This technology has influences and has implications for a variety of intra-organizational functions and inter-organizational boundaries. The decision issues faced by these organizations include the balancing of needs across the organization and its partners, consideration of tangible and intangible factors, and the consideration of strategic and operational dimensions. In this chapter we introduce some of the categories of attributes and factors that organizations need to consider. The various factors are then evaluated using a multiattribute utility model called the analytical network process. An illustrative example provides insights into the execution of the technique. The technique is useful due to its capability to consider the many relationships and influences among the factors. It is also flexible enough to consider perceptual as well as more objective data and information when analyzing the problem situation.

Part II - Propositions as Types, Pure Type Systems, AUTOMATH | Pp. 125-152

A Correspondence between RTT and the system Nuprl

Fairouz Kamareddine; Twan Laan; Rob Nederpelt

The consideration of whether to adopt rapid prototyping (RP) technology in general or a specific system in particular is not a trivial issue for most organizations. This technology has influences and has implications for a variety of intra-organizational functions and inter-organizational boundaries. The decision issues faced by these organizations include the balancing of needs across the organization and its partners, consideration of tangible and intangible factors, and the consideration of strategic and operational dimensions. In this chapter we introduce some of the categories of attributes and factors that organizations need to consider. The various factors are then evaluated using a multiattribute utility model called the analytical network process. An illustrative example provides insights into the execution of the technique. The technique is useful due to its capability to consider the many relationships and influences among the factors. It is also flexible enough to consider perceptual as well as more objective data and information when analyzing the problem situation.

Part II - Propositions as Types, Pure Type Systems, AUTOMATH | Pp. 153-177


Fairouz Kamareddine; Twan Laan; Rob Nederpelt

The consideration of whether to adopt rapid prototyping (RP) technology in general or a specific system in particular is not a trivial issue for most organizations. This technology has influences and has implications for a variety of intra-organizational functions and inter-organizational boundaries. The decision issues faced by these organizations include the balancing of needs across the organization and its partners, consideration of tangible and intangible factors, and the consideration of strategic and operational dimensions. In this chapter we introduce some of the categories of attributes and factors that organizations need to consider. The various factors are then evaluated using a multiattribute utility model called the analytical network process. An illustrative example provides insights into the execution of the technique. The technique is useful due to its capability to consider the many relationships and influences among the factors. It is also flexible enough to consider perceptual as well as more objective data and information when analyzing the problem situation.

Part II - Propositions as Types, Pure Type Systems, AUTOMATH | Pp. 179-230

Pure Type Systems with definitions

Fairouz Kamareddine; Twan Laan; Rob Nederpelt

When comparing λ68 to other type systems with definitions, we find an important difference. In λ68, the correspondence between types of definiendum and definiens differs from the similar correspondence in the systems in [137] and [14].

The reason why λ68 differs from other theories in this respect has been discussed in Section 7b3: The definition system in AUTOMATH allows to occur in the definiens, and there is no parameter mechanism in PTSs. In Chapters 9 and 10, we extend PTSs with a parameter mechanism. This extension has -68 as a subsystem. Moreover, we show that a parameter mechanism has also other advantages.

Part III - Extensions of Pure Type Systems | Pp. 233-241

The Barendregt cube with parameters

Fairouz Kamareddine; Twan Laan; Rob Nederpelt

The consideration of whether to adopt rapid prototyping (RP) technology in general or a specific system in particular is not a trivial issue for most organizations. This technology has influences and has implications for a variety of intra-organizational functions and inter-organizational boundaries. The decision issues faced by these organizations include the balancing of needs across the organization and its partners, consideration of tangible and intangible factors, and the consideration of strategic and operational dimensions. In this chapter we introduce some of the categories of attributes and factors that organizations need to consider. The various factors are then evaluated using a multiattribute utility model called the analytical network process. An illustrative example provides insights into the execution of the technique. The technique is useful due to its capability to consider the many relationships and influences among the factors. It is also flexible enough to consider perceptual as well as more objective data and information when analyzing the problem situation.

Part III - Extensions of Pure Type Systems | Pp. 243-254