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Quantum Mechanics at the Crossroads: New Perspectives from History, Philosophy and Physics

James Evans Alan S. Thorndike

Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial

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Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial

Quantum Physics; History and Philosophical Foundations of Physics; Philosophy of Science

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No detectada 2007 SpringerLink


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Springer Nature

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Reino Unido

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© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2007

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Tabla de contenidos

Introduction: Contexts and Challenges for Quantum Mechanics

James Evans

The ‘industry-strength’ data models are complex to use and tend to obscure the fundamental issues. Going back to the original proposal of Chen for Entities and Relationships, I describe here a reduced data model with Objects and Relations. It is mathematically well founded in the category of relations and has been implemented to demonstrate that it is viable. An example how this is used to structure data and load data is shown.

Pp. 1-20

Max Planck’s compromises on the way to and from the Absolute

J. L. Heilbron

The ‘industry-strength’ data models are complex to use and tend to obscure the fundamental issues. Going back to the original proposal of Chen for Entities and Relationships, I describe here a reduced data model with Objects and Relations. It is mathematically well founded in the category of relations and has been implemented to demonstrate that it is viable. An example how this is used to structure data and load data is shown.

Pp. 21-37

Atomic Waves in Private Practice

Bruce R. Wheaton

The ‘industry-strength’ data models are complex to use and tend to obscure the fundamental issues. Going back to the original proposal of Chen for Entities and Relationships, I describe here a reduced data model with Objects and Relations. It is mathematically well founded in the category of relations and has been implemented to demonstrate that it is viable. An example how this is used to structure data and load data is shown.

Pp. 39-71

A Complementary Opposition: Louis de Broglie and Werner Heisenberg

Georges Lochak

The ‘industry-strength’ data models are complex to use and tend to obscure the fundamental issues. Going back to the original proposal of Chen for Entities and Relationships, I describe here a reduced data model with Objects and Relations. It is mathematically well founded in the category of relations and has been implemented to demonstrate that it is viable. An example how this is used to structure data and load data is shown.

Pp. 73-80

Schrödinger Against Particles and Quantum Jumps

Michel Bitbol

The ‘industry-strength’ data models are complex to use and tend to obscure the fundamental issues. Going back to the original proposal of Chen for Entities and Relationships, I describe here a reduced data model with Objects and Relations. It is mathematically well founded in the category of relations and has been implemented to demonstrate that it is viable. An example how this is used to structure data and load data is shown.

Pp. 81-106

Aspects of Nonlocality in Quantum Mechanics

Abner Shimony

The ‘industry-strength’ data models are complex to use and tend to obscure the fundamental issues. Going back to the original proposal of Chen for Entities and Relationships, I describe here a reduced data model with Objects and Relations. It is mathematically well founded in the category of relations and has been implemented to demonstrate that it is viable. An example how this is used to structure data and load data is shown.

Pp. 107-123

Decoherence and the Foundations of Quantum Mechanics

Maximilian Schlosshauer; Arthur Fine

The ‘industry-strength’ data models are complex to use and tend to obscure the fundamental issues. Going back to the original proposal of Chen for Entities and Relationships, I describe here a reduced data model with Objects and Relations. It is mathematically well founded in the category of relations and has been implemented to demonstrate that it is viable. An example how this is used to structure data and load data is shown.

Pp. 125-148

What Are Consistent Histories?

Alan Thorndike

The ‘industry-strength’ data models are complex to use and tend to obscure the fundamental issues. Going back to the original proposal of Chen for Entities and Relationships, I describe here a reduced data model with Objects and Relations. It is mathematically well founded in the category of relations and has been implemented to demonstrate that it is viable. An example how this is used to structure data and load data is shown.

Pp. 149-157

Bose-Einstein Condensation: Identity Crisis for Indistinguishable Particles

Wolfgang Ketterle

The ‘industry-strength’ data models are complex to use and tend to obscure the fundamental issues. Going back to the original proposal of Chen for Entities and Relationships, I describe here a reduced data model with Objects and Relations. It is mathematically well founded in the category of relations and has been implemented to demonstrate that it is viable. An example how this is used to structure data and load data is shown.

Pp. 159-182

Quantum Fluctuations of Light: A Modern Perspective on Wave/Particle Duality

Howard Carmichael

The ‘industry-strength’ data models are complex to use and tend to obscure the fundamental issues. Going back to the original proposal of Chen for Entities and Relationships, I describe here a reduced data model with Objects and Relations. It is mathematically well founded in the category of relations and has been implemented to demonstrate that it is viable. An example how this is used to structure data and load data is shown.

Pp. 183-212