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Coherent Dynamics of Complex Quantum Systems

Vladimir M. Akulin

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No detectada 2006 SpringerLink


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Editor responsable

Springer Nature

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Reino Unido

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© Springer Berlin Heidelberg 2006

Cobertura temática

Tabla de contenidos

Complex Systems and Their Statistical Description

Vladimir M. Akulin

Existence of the charged particle acceleration (i.e, temporal variations in either a magnitude or a direction of its velocity) always causes the emission of a specific radiation called bremsstrahlung.

Pp. 1-16

Examples of Complex Systems

Vladimir M. Akulin

Existence of the charged particle acceleration (i.e, temporal variations in either a magnitude or a direction of its velocity) always causes the emission of a specific radiation called bremsstrahlung.

Pp. 17-60

Two-Level and Level—Band Systems

Vladimir M. Akulin

Existence of the charged particle acceleration (i.e, temporal variations in either a magnitude or a direction of its velocity) always causes the emission of a specific radiation called bremsstrahlung.

Pp. 61-121

Two-Band System

Vladimir M. Akulin

Existence of the charged particle acceleration (i.e, temporal variations in either a magnitude or a direction of its velocity) always causes the emission of a specific radiation called bremsstrahlung.

Pp. 123-186

Soluble Time-Dependent Systems

Vladimir M. Akulin

Existence of the charged particle acceleration (i.e, temporal variations in either a magnitude or a direction of its velocity) always causes the emission of a specific radiation called bremsstrahlung.

Pp. 187-236

Time-Dependent Complex Systems

Vladimir M. Akulin

Existence of the charged particle acceleration (i.e, temporal variations in either a magnitude or a direction of its velocity) always causes the emission of a specific radiation called bremsstrahlung.

Pp. 237-307

The Dynamics of One-Dimensional Relay-Type Systems

Vladimir M. Akulin

Existence of the charged particle acceleration (i.e, temporal variations in either a magnitude or a direction of its velocity) always causes the emission of a specific radiation called bremsstrahlung.

Pp. 309-371

Composite Complex Quantum Systems

Vladimir M. Akulin

Existence of the charged particle acceleration (i.e, temporal variations in either a magnitude or a direction of its velocity) always causes the emission of a specific radiation called bremsstrahlung.

Pp. 373-437

Bibliography and Problems

Vladimir M. Akulin

Existence of the charged particle acceleration (i.e, temporal variations in either a magnitude or a direction of its velocity) always causes the emission of a specific radiation called bremsstrahlung.

Pp. 439-458