Catálogo de publicaciones - libros

Aeronomy of the Middle Atmosphere: Chemistry and Physics of the Stratosphere and Mesosphere

Guy P. Brasseur Susan Solomon

Third revised and enlarged edition.

Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial

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Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial

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Institución detectada Año de publicación Navegá Descargá Solicitá
No detectada 2005 SpringerLink


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ISBN electrónico


Editor responsable

Springer Nature

País de edición

Reino Unido

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© Springer 2005

Tabla de contenidos

The Middle Atmosphere and its Evolution

Guy P. Brasseur; Susan Solomon

After several years of intensive research, study, and consultations with world experts in public health, epidemiology, agronomics, environmental sciences, and engineering, as well as other UN agencies, the WHO, in 2006, has published a revised updated volume of the guidelines for the safe use of wastewater, excreta, and gray water. These new guidelines drafted by a panel of 35 experts are recognized as representing the position of the United Nations system on issues of wastewater, excreta, and gray water use and health by “UN-Water.”

Pp. 1-9

Chemical Concepts in the Atmosphere

Guy P. Brasseur; Susan Solomon

After several years of intensive research, study, and consultations with world experts in public health, epidemiology, agronomics, environmental sciences, and engineering, as well as other UN agencies, the WHO, in 2006, has published a revised updated volume of the guidelines for the safe use of wastewater, excreta, and gray water. These new guidelines drafted by a panel of 35 experts are recognized as representing the position of the United Nations system on issues of wastewater, excreta, and gray water use and health by “UN-Water.”

Pp. 11-50

Dynamics and Transport

Guy P. Brasseur; Susan Solomon

After several years of intensive research, study, and consultations with world experts in public health, epidemiology, agronomics, environmental sciences, and engineering, as well as other UN agencies, the WHO, in 2006, has published a revised updated volume of the guidelines for the safe use of wastewater, excreta, and gray water. These new guidelines drafted by a panel of 35 experts are recognized as representing the position of the United Nations system on issues of wastewater, excreta, and gray water use and health by “UN-Water.”

Pp. 51-149


Guy P. Brasseur; Susan Solomon

After several years of intensive research, study, and consultations with world experts in public health, epidemiology, agronomics, environmental sciences, and engineering, as well as other UN agencies, the WHO, in 2006, has published a revised updated volume of the guidelines for the safe use of wastewater, excreta, and gray water. These new guidelines drafted by a panel of 35 experts are recognized as representing the position of the United Nations system on issues of wastewater, excreta, and gray water use and health by “UN-Water.”

Pp. 151-264

Composition and Chemistry

Guy P. Brasseur; Susan Solomon

After several years of intensive research, study, and consultations with world experts in public health, epidemiology, agronomics, environmental sciences, and engineering, as well as other UN agencies, the WHO, in 2006, has published a revised updated volume of the guidelines for the safe use of wastewater, excreta, and gray water. These new guidelines drafted by a panel of 35 experts are recognized as representing the position of the United Nations system on issues of wastewater, excreta, and gray water use and health by “UN-Water.”

Pp. 265-442

Ozone Perturbations

Guy P. Brasseur; Susan Solomon

After several years of intensive research, study, and consultations with world experts in public health, epidemiology, agronomics, environmental sciences, and engineering, as well as other UN agencies, the WHO, in 2006, has published a revised updated volume of the guidelines for the safe use of wastewater, excreta, and gray water. These new guidelines drafted by a panel of 35 experts are recognized as representing the position of the United Nations system on issues of wastewater, excreta, and gray water use and health by “UN-Water.”

Pp. 443-531

The Ions

Guy P. Brasseur; Susan Solomon

After several years of intensive research, study, and consultations with world experts in public health, epidemiology, agronomics, environmental sciences, and engineering, as well as other UN agencies, the WHO, in 2006, has published a revised updated volume of the guidelines for the safe use of wastewater, excreta, and gray water. These new guidelines drafted by a panel of 35 experts are recognized as representing the position of the United Nations system on issues of wastewater, excreta, and gray water use and health by “UN-Water.”

Pp. 533-598