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Vertebrate Hair Cells

Ruth Anne Eatock ; Richard R. Fay ; Arthur N. Popper (eds.)

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No detectada 2006 SpringerLink


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Springer Nature

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Reino Unido

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© Springer Science+Business Media, Inc. 2006

Cobertura temática

Tabla de contenidos

Vertebrate Hair Cells: Modern and Historic Perspectives

Ruth Anne Eatock

We introduced in Chapter 4 the ZENTURIO experiment management tool for multi-experimental performance and parameter studies of parallel applications. To achieve this goal, ZENTURIO performs an automatic sweep of the entire parameter space defined using the ZEN directive-based experiment specification language described in Chapter 3.

With the emergence of Grid computing that aggregates a potentially unbounded number of resources, new classes of applications such as workflows and parameter studies are of increasing interest to the scientists. The parameter space of such large scale Grid applications can easily achieve rather huge dimensions for which the exhaustive parameter sweep performed by ZENTURIO is no longer a feasible solution. In general, a complete parameter sweep gives useful detailed insight on the application behaviour but also produces vast amounts of data that are irrelevant for further studies. Often the user’s ultimate goal is to find parameter combinations that a certain application behaviour, such as a performance metric or an output result. Such optimisation problems are known as [85] and require advanced heuristics to find approximate or reasonably good solutions.

Pp. 1-19

The Development of Hair Cells in the Inner Ear

Richard J. Goodyear; Corné J. Kros; Guy P. Richardson

We introduced in Chapter 4 the ZENTURIO experiment management tool for multi-experimental performance and parameter studies of parallel applications. To achieve this goal, ZENTURIO performs an automatic sweep of the entire parameter space defined using the ZEN directive-based experiment specification language described in Chapter 3.

With the emergence of Grid computing that aggregates a potentially unbounded number of resources, new classes of applications such as workflows and parameter studies are of increasing interest to the scientists. The parameter space of such large scale Grid applications can easily achieve rather huge dimensions for which the exhaustive parameter sweep performed by ZENTURIO is no longer a feasible solution. In general, a complete parameter sweep gives useful detailed insight on the application behaviour but also produces vast amounts of data that are irrelevant for further studies. Often the user’s ultimate goal is to find parameter combinations that a certain application behaviour, such as a performance metric or an output result. Such optimisation problems are known as [85] and require advanced heuristics to find approximate or reasonably good solutions.

Pp. 20-94

The Structure and Composition of the Stereociliary Bundle of Vertebrate Hair Cells

David N. Furness; Carole M. Hackney

We introduced in Chapter 4 the ZENTURIO experiment management tool for multi-experimental performance and parameter studies of parallel applications. To achieve this goal, ZENTURIO performs an automatic sweep of the entire parameter space defined using the ZEN directive-based experiment specification language described in Chapter 3.

With the emergence of Grid computing that aggregates a potentially unbounded number of resources, new classes of applications such as workflows and parameter studies are of increasing interest to the scientists. The parameter space of such large scale Grid applications can easily achieve rather huge dimensions for which the exhaustive parameter sweep performed by ZENTURIO is no longer a feasible solution. In general, a complete parameter sweep gives useful detailed insight on the application behaviour but also produces vast amounts of data that are irrelevant for further studies. Often the user’s ultimate goal is to find parameter combinations that a certain application behaviour, such as a performance metric or an output result. Such optimisation problems are known as [85] and require advanced heuristics to find approximate or reasonably good solutions.

Pp. 95-153

Mechanoelectrical Transduction in Auditory Hair Cells

Robert Fettiplace; Anthony J. Ricci

We introduced in Chapter 4 the ZENTURIO experiment management tool for multi-experimental performance and parameter studies of parallel applications. To achieve this goal, ZENTURIO performs an automatic sweep of the entire parameter space defined using the ZEN directive-based experiment specification language described in Chapter 3.

With the emergence of Grid computing that aggregates a potentially unbounded number of resources, new classes of applications such as workflows and parameter studies are of increasing interest to the scientists. The parameter space of such large scale Grid applications can easily achieve rather huge dimensions for which the exhaustive parameter sweep performed by ZENTURIO is no longer a feasible solution. In general, a complete parameter sweep gives useful detailed insight on the application behaviour but also produces vast amounts of data that are irrelevant for further studies. Often the user’s ultimate goal is to find parameter combinations that a certain application behaviour, such as a performance metric or an output result. Such optimisation problems are known as [85] and require advanced heuristics to find approximate or reasonably good solutions.

Pp. 154-203

Contribution of Ionic Currents to Tuning in Auditory Hair Cells

Jonathan J. Art; Robert Fettiplace

We introduced in Chapter 4 the ZENTURIO experiment management tool for multi-experimental performance and parameter studies of parallel applications. To achieve this goal, ZENTURIO performs an automatic sweep of the entire parameter space defined using the ZEN directive-based experiment specification language described in Chapter 3.

With the emergence of Grid computing that aggregates a potentially unbounded number of resources, new classes of applications such as workflows and parameter studies are of increasing interest to the scientists. The parameter space of such large scale Grid applications can easily achieve rather huge dimensions for which the exhaustive parameter sweep performed by ZENTURIO is no longer a feasible solution. In general, a complete parameter sweep gives useful detailed insight on the application behaviour but also produces vast amounts of data that are irrelevant for further studies. Often the user’s ultimate goal is to find parameter combinations that a certain application behaviour, such as a performance metric or an output result. Such optimisation problems are known as [85] and require advanced heuristics to find approximate or reasonably good solutions.

Pp. 204-248

The Synaptic Physiology of Hair Cells

Paul A. Fuchs; Thomas D. Parsons

We introduced in Chapter 4 the ZENTURIO experiment management tool for multi-experimental performance and parameter studies of parallel applications. To achieve this goal, ZENTURIO performs an automatic sweep of the entire parameter space defined using the ZEN directive-based experiment specification language described in Chapter 3.

With the emergence of Grid computing that aggregates a potentially unbounded number of resources, new classes of applications such as workflows and parameter studies are of increasing interest to the scientists. The parameter space of such large scale Grid applications can easily achieve rather huge dimensions for which the exhaustive parameter sweep performed by ZENTURIO is no longer a feasible solution. In general, a complete parameter sweep gives useful detailed insight on the application behaviour but also produces vast amounts of data that are irrelevant for further studies. Often the user’s ultimate goal is to find parameter combinations that a certain application behaviour, such as a performance metric or an output result. Such optimisation problems are known as [85] and require advanced heuristics to find approximate or reasonably good solutions.

Pp. 249-312

The Piezoelectric Outer Hair Cell

William E. Brownell

We introduced in Chapter 4 the ZENTURIO experiment management tool for multi-experimental performance and parameter studies of parallel applications. To achieve this goal, ZENTURIO performs an automatic sweep of the entire parameter space defined using the ZEN directive-based experiment specification language described in Chapter 3.

With the emergence of Grid computing that aggregates a potentially unbounded number of resources, new classes of applications such as workflows and parameter studies are of increasing interest to the scientists. The parameter space of such large scale Grid applications can easily achieve rather huge dimensions for which the exhaustive parameter sweep performed by ZENTURIO is no longer a feasible solution. In general, a complete parameter sweep gives useful detailed insight on the application behaviour but also produces vast amounts of data that are irrelevant for further studies. Often the user’s ultimate goal is to find parameter combinations that a certain application behaviour, such as a performance metric or an output result. Such optimisation problems are known as [85] and require advanced heuristics to find approximate or reasonably good solutions.

Pp. 313-347

Mammalian Vestibular Hair Cells

Ruth Anne Eatock; Anna Lysakowski

We introduced in Chapter 4 the ZENTURIO experiment management tool for multi-experimental performance and parameter studies of parallel applications. To achieve this goal, ZENTURIO performs an automatic sweep of the entire parameter space defined using the ZEN directive-based experiment specification language described in Chapter 3.

With the emergence of Grid computing that aggregates a potentially unbounded number of resources, new classes of applications such as workflows and parameter studies are of increasing interest to the scientists. The parameter space of such large scale Grid applications can easily achieve rather huge dimensions for which the exhaustive parameter sweep performed by ZENTURIO is no longer a feasible solution. In general, a complete parameter sweep gives useful detailed insight on the application behaviour but also produces vast amounts of data that are irrelevant for further studies. Often the user’s ultimate goal is to find parameter combinations that a certain application behaviour, such as a performance metric or an output result. Such optimisation problems are known as [85] and require advanced heuristics to find approximate or reasonably good solutions.

Pp. 348-442