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Characteristics Finite Element Methods in Computational Fluid Dynamics

Joe Iannelli

Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial

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No detectada 2006 SpringerLink


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Editor responsable

Springer Nature

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Reino Unido

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© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2006

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Tabla de contenidos

Governing Equations of Fluid Mechanics

Joe Iannelli

Visual attention is, as mentioned in the introduction, the selective process that enables us to act effectively in our complex environment. The term attention is common in everyday language and familiar to everyone. Nevertheless - or even therefore - it is necessary to clarify and define the term properly. Since visual attention is a concept of human perception, it is important to understand the underlying visual processing in the brain and to know about the psychophysical and neuro-biological findings in this field.

Pp. 1-40

Constitutive and State Equations

Joe Iannelli

Visual attention is, as mentioned in the introduction, the selective process that enables us to act effectively in our complex environment. The term attention is common in everyday language and familiar to everyone. Nevertheless - or even therefore - it is necessary to clarify and define the term properly. Since visual attention is a concept of human perception, it is important to understand the underlying visual processing in the brain and to know about the psychophysical and neuro-biological findings in this field.

Pp. 41-49

State Equations for Reacting Air

Joe Iannelli

Visual attention is, as mentioned in the introduction, the selective process that enables us to act effectively in our complex environment. The term attention is common in everyday language and familiar to everyone. Nevertheless - or even therefore - it is necessary to clarify and define the term properly. Since visual attention is a concept of human perception, it is important to understand the underlying visual processing in the brain and to know about the psychophysical and neuro-biological findings in this field.

Pp. 51-92

Euler and Navier Stokes Systems

Joe Iannelli

Visual attention is, as mentioned in the introduction, the selective process that enables us to act effectively in our complex environment. The term attention is common in everyday language and familiar to everyone. Nevertheless - or even therefore - it is necessary to clarify and define the term properly. Since visual attention is a concept of human perception, it is important to understand the underlying visual processing in the brain and to know about the psychophysical and neuro-biological findings in this field.

Pp. 93-106

Quasi One-Dimensional and Free-Surface Equations

Joe Iannelli

Visual attention is, as mentioned in the introduction, the selective process that enables us to act effectively in our complex environment. The term attention is common in everyday language and familiar to everyone. Nevertheless - or even therefore - it is necessary to clarify and define the term properly. Since visual attention is a concept of human perception, it is important to understand the underlying visual processing in the brain and to know about the psychophysical and neuro-biological findings in this field.

Pp. 107-147

Overview of CFD Algorithm Development

Joe Iannelli

Visual attention is, as mentioned in the introduction, the selective process that enables us to act effectively in our complex environment. The term attention is common in everyday language and familiar to everyone. Nevertheless - or even therefore - it is necessary to clarify and define the term properly. Since visual attention is a concept of human perception, it is important to understand the underlying visual processing in the brain and to know about the psychophysical and neuro-biological findings in this field.

Pp. 149-165

The Finite Element Method

Joe Iannelli

Visual attention is, as mentioned in the introduction, the selective process that enables us to act effectively in our complex environment. The term attention is common in everyday language and familiar to everyone. Nevertheless - or even therefore - it is necessary to clarify and define the term properly. Since visual attention is a concept of human perception, it is important to understand the underlying visual processing in the brain and to know about the psychophysical and neuro-biological findings in this field.

Pp. 167-224

Non-Linearly Stable Implicit Runge-Kutta Time Integrations

Joe Iannelli

Visual attention is, as mentioned in the introduction, the selective process that enables us to act effectively in our complex environment. The term attention is common in everyday language and familiar to everyone. Nevertheless - or even therefore - it is necessary to clarify and define the term properly. Since visual attention is a concept of human perception, it is important to understand the underlying visual processing in the brain and to know about the psychophysical and neuro-biological findings in this field.

Pp. 225-240

One-Dimensional Non-Discrete Characteristics-Bias Resolution

Joe Iannelli

Visual attention is, as mentioned in the introduction, the selective process that enables us to act effectively in our complex environment. The term attention is common in everyday language and familiar to everyone. Nevertheless - or even therefore - it is necessary to clarify and define the term properly. Since visual attention is a concept of human perception, it is important to understand the underlying visual processing in the brain and to know about the psychophysical and neuro-biological findings in this field.

Pp. 241-264

Characteristics-Bias Controller and Length

Joe Iannelli

Visual attention is, as mentioned in the introduction, the selective process that enables us to act effectively in our complex environment. The term attention is common in everyday language and familiar to everyone. Nevertheless - or even therefore - it is necessary to clarify and define the term properly. Since visual attention is a concept of human perception, it is important to understand the underlying visual processing in the brain and to know about the psychophysical and neuro-biological findings in this field.

Pp. 265-277