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The Public Nature of Science under Assault: Politics, Markets, Science and the Law

,Helga Nowotny Dominique Pestre Eberhard Schmidt-Aßmann Helmuth Schulze-Fielitz Hans-Heinrich Trute

Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial

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Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial

Fundamentals of Law; History of Science

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No detectada 2005 SpringerLink


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Editor responsable

Springer Nature

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Reino Unido

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© Springer Berlin · Heidelberg 2005

Tabla de contenidos

The Changing Nature of Public Science

Helga Nowotny

, a scientific literature search engine that focuses on documents in the computer science and information science domains, suffers from scalability issue on the number of requests and the size of indexed documents, which increased dramatically over the years. CiteSeer is an effort to re-architect the search engine. In this paper, we present our initial design of a framework for caching query results, indices, and documents. This design is based on analysis of logged workload in CiteSeer. Our experiments based on mock client requests that simulate actual user behaviors confirm that our approach works well in enhancing system performances.

Pp. 1-27

The Technosciences between Markets, Social Worries and the Political: How to Imagine a Better Future?

Dominique Pestre

, a scientific literature search engine that focuses on documents in the computer science and information science domains, suffers from scalability issue on the number of requests and the size of indexed documents, which increased dramatically over the years. CiteSeer is an effort to re-architect the search engine. In this paper, we present our initial design of a framework for caching query results, indices, and documents. This design is based on analysis of logged workload in CiteSeer. Our experiments based on mock client requests that simulate actual user behaviors confirm that our approach works well in enhancing system performances.

Pp. 29-52

Comment from a Legal Perspective

Hans-Heinrich Trute

, a scientific literature search engine that focuses on documents in the computer science and information science domains, suffers from scalability issue on the number of requests and the size of indexed documents, which increased dramatically over the years. CiteSeer is an effort to re-architect the search engine. In this paper, we present our initial design of a framework for caching query results, indices, and documents. This design is based on analysis of logged workload in CiteSeer. Our experiments based on mock client requests that simulate actual user behaviors confirm that our approach works well in enhancing system performances.

Pp. 53-61

Responses of the Legal Order to the Loss of Trust in Science

Helmuth Schulze-Fielitz

, a scientific literature search engine that focuses on documents in the computer science and information science domains, suffers from scalability issue on the number of requests and the size of indexed documents, which increased dramatically over the years. CiteSeer is an effort to re-architect the search engine. In this paper, we present our initial design of a framework for caching query results, indices, and documents. This design is based on analysis of logged workload in CiteSeer. Our experiments based on mock client requests that simulate actual user behaviors confirm that our approach works well in enhancing system performances.

Pp. 63-86

Democratizing Science: Expertise and Participation in Administrative Decision-Making

Hans-Heinrich Trute

, a scientific literature search engine that focuses on documents in the computer science and information science domains, suffers from scalability issue on the number of requests and the size of indexed documents, which increased dramatically over the years. CiteSeer is an effort to re-architect the search engine. In this paper, we present our initial design of a framework for caching query results, indices, and documents. This design is based on analysis of logged workload in CiteSeer. Our experiments based on mock client requests that simulate actual user behaviors confirm that our approach works well in enhancing system performances.

Pp. 87-108

Free Access to Research Findings and Its Limitations

Eberhard Schmidt-Aßmann

, a scientific literature search engine that focuses on documents in the computer science and information science domains, suffers from scalability issue on the number of requests and the size of indexed documents, which increased dramatically over the years. CiteSeer is an effort to re-architect the search engine. In this paper, we present our initial design of a framework for caching query results, indices, and documents. This design is based on analysis of logged workload in CiteSeer. Our experiments based on mock client requests that simulate actual user behaviors confirm that our approach works well in enhancing system performances.

Pp. 109-130

The Response of the Legal Order: Final Commentary from a Social Studies of Science Perspective

Helga Nowotny

, a scientific literature search engine that focuses on documents in the computer science and information science domains, suffers from scalability issue on the number of requests and the size of indexed documents, which increased dramatically over the years. CiteSeer is an effort to re-architect the search engine. In this paper, we present our initial design of a framework for caching query results, indices, and documents. This design is based on analysis of logged workload in CiteSeer. Our experiments based on mock client requests that simulate actual user behaviors confirm that our approach works well in enhancing system performances.

Pp. 131-139