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A First Course in Harmonic Analysi

Anton Deitmar

Second Edition.

Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial

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No detectada 2005 SpringerLink


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Springer Nature

País de edición

Reino Unido

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© Springer-Verlag New York, Inc. 2005

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Fourier Series

Anton Deitmar

A Collaborative activity is designed and a software tool is developed to support teaching grammar to primary education students. The activity is intended to create interdependencies among students. The software tool helps to implement the activity. Activity and tool were designed for teaching Spanish grammar, but they can be adapted for teaching other languages.

Part I - Fourier Analysis | Pp. 5-23

Hilbert Spaces

Anton Deitmar

A Collaborative activity is designed and a software tool is developed to support teaching grammar to primary education students. The activity is intended to create interdependencies among students. The software tool helps to implement the activity. Activity and tool were designed for teaching Spanish grammar, but they can be adapted for teaching other languages.

Part I - Fourier Analysis | Pp. 25-39

The Fourier Transform

Anton Deitmar

A Collaborative activity is designed and a software tool is developed to support teaching grammar to primary education students. The activity is intended to create interdependencies among students. The software tool helps to implement the activity. Activity and tool were designed for teaching Spanish grammar, but they can be adapted for teaching other languages.

Part I - Fourier Analysis | Pp. 41-57


Anton Deitmar

A Collaborative activity is designed and a software tool is developed to support teaching grammar to primary education students. The activity is intended to create interdependencies among students. The software tool helps to implement the activity. Activity and tool were designed for teaching Spanish grammar, but they can be adapted for teaching other languages.

Part I - Fourier Analysis | Pp. 59-69

Finite Abelian Groups

Anton Deitmar

A Collaborative activity is designed and a software tool is developed to support teaching grammar to primary education students. The activity is intended to create interdependencies among students. The software tool helps to implement the activity. Activity and tool were designed for teaching Spanish grammar, but they can be adapted for teaching other languages.

Part II - LCA Groups | Pp. 73-79

LCA Groups

Anton Deitmar

A Collaborative activity is designed and a software tool is developed to support teaching grammar to primary education students. The activity is intended to create interdependencies among students. The software tool helps to implement the activity. Activity and tool were designed for teaching Spanish grammar, but they can be adapted for teaching other languages.

Part II - LCA Groups | Pp. 81-100

The Dual Group

Anton Deitmar

A Collaborative activity is designed and a software tool is developed to support teaching grammar to primary education students. The activity is intended to create interdependencies among students. The software tool helps to implement the activity. Activity and tool were designed for teaching Spanish grammar, but they can be adapted for teaching other languages.

Part II - LCA Groups | Pp. 101-109

Plancherel Theorem

Anton Deitmar

A Collaborative activity is designed and a software tool is developed to support teaching grammar to primary education students. The activity is intended to create interdependencies among students. The software tool helps to implement the activity. Activity and tool were designed for teaching Spanish grammar, but they can be adapted for teaching other languages.

Part II - LCA Groups | Pp. 111-126

Matrix Groups

Anton Deitmar

A Collaborative activity is designed and a software tool is developed to support teaching grammar to primary education students. The activity is intended to create interdependencies among students. The software tool helps to implement the activity. Activity and tool were designed for teaching Spanish grammar, but they can be adapted for teaching other languages.

Part III - Noncommutative Groups | Pp. 129-140

The Representations of SU(2)

Anton Deitmar

A Collaborative activity is designed and a software tool is developed to support teaching grammar to primary education students. The activity is intended to create interdependencies among students. The software tool helps to implement the activity. Activity and tool were designed for teaching Spanish grammar, but they can be adapted for teaching other languages.

Part III - Noncommutative Groups | Pp. 141-147