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Convex Functions and Their Applications: A Contemporary Approach

Constantin P. Niculescu Lars-Erik Persson

Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial

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Real Functions; Functional Analysis; Convex and Discrete Geometry

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No detectada 2006 SpringerLink


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Springer Nature

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Reino Unido

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© Springer-Verlag New York 2006

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Constantin P. Niculescu; Lars-Erik Persson

In this section we formulate the basic problems of spectral analysis and spectral synthesis on commutative hypergroups and solve these problems on some types of hypergroups (see [72]). For more about -spectral synthesis on hypergroups we refer to the the paper [78]. In [7] a Wiener Tauberian Theorem is presented for commutative locally compact hypergroups, whose dual is a hypergroup under pointwise operations. For further references on -spectral synthesis in hypergroups the reader is referred to [8], [31], [50].

Pp. 1-6

Convex Functions on Intervals

Constantin P. Niculescu; Lars-Erik Persson

In this section we formulate the basic problems of spectral analysis and spectral synthesis on commutative hypergroups and solve these problems on some types of hypergroups (see [72]). For more about -spectral synthesis on hypergroups we refer to the the paper [78]. In [7] a Wiener Tauberian Theorem is presented for commutative locally compact hypergroups, whose dual is a hypergroup under pointwise operations. For further references on -spectral synthesis in hypergroups the reader is referred to [8], [31], [50].

Pp. 7-64

Comparative Convexity on Intervals

Constantin P. Niculescu; Lars-Erik Persson

In this section we formulate the basic problems of spectral analysis and spectral synthesis on commutative hypergroups and solve these problems on some types of hypergroups (see [72]). For more about -spectral synthesis on hypergroups we refer to the the paper [78]. In [7] a Wiener Tauberian Theorem is presented for commutative locally compact hypergroups, whose dual is a hypergroup under pointwise operations. For further references on -spectral synthesis in hypergroups the reader is referred to [8], [31], [50].

Pp. 65-100

Convex Functions on a Normed Linear Space

Constantin P. Niculescu; Lars-Erik Persson

In this section we formulate the basic problems of spectral analysis and spectral synthesis on commutative hypergroups and solve these problems on some types of hypergroups (see [72]). For more about -spectral synthesis on hypergroups we refer to the the paper [78]. In [7] a Wiener Tauberian Theorem is presented for commutative locally compact hypergroups, whose dual is a hypergroup under pointwise operations. For further references on -spectral synthesis in hypergroups the reader is referred to [8], [31], [50].

Pp. 101-176

Choquet’s Theory and Beyond

Constantin P. Niculescu; Lars-Erik Persson

In this section we formulate the basic problems of spectral analysis and spectral synthesis on commutative hypergroups and solve these problems on some types of hypergroups (see [72]). For more about -spectral synthesis on hypergroups we refer to the the paper [78]. In [7] a Wiener Tauberian Theorem is presented for commutative locally compact hypergroups, whose dual is a hypergroup under pointwise operations. For further references on -spectral synthesis in hypergroups the reader is referred to [8], [31], [50].

Pp. 177-202