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Algàbre: Chapitre 4 à 7

N. Bourbaki

Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial

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Field Theory and Polynomials

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No detectada 2007 SpringerLink


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ISBN electrónico


Editor responsable

Springer Nature

País de edición

Reino Unido

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© Springer-Verlag 2007

Cobertura temática

Tabla de contenidos

Polynômes et fractions rationnelles

N. Bourbaki

We are now going to turn our efforts to looking at the different ways to configure Seam. Obviously, we have already gone over configuring and deploying Seam and by now have deployed quite a few applications. However, Seam has the ability to be leveraged in multiple environments under multiple conditions. To use Seam, you do not actually have to be in a Java EE environment or even be using EJB3 if you do not want to (it is preferred, though). Of course, you will have to use Java 5; there is no way around that.

Pp. 1-97

Corps commutatifs

N. Bourbaki

We are now going to turn our efforts to looking at the different ways to configure Seam. Obviously, we have already gone over configuring and deploying Seam and by now have deployed quite a few applications. However, Seam has the ability to be leveraged in multiple environments under multiple conditions. To use Seam, you do not actually have to be in a Java EE environment or even be using EJB3 if you do not want to (it is preferred, though). Of course, you will have to use Java 5; there is no way around that.

Pp. 99-283

Groupes et corps ordonnés

N. Bourbaki

We are now going to turn our efforts to looking at the different ways to configure Seam. Obviously, we have already gone over configuring and deploying Seam and by now have deployed quite a few applications. However, Seam has the ability to be leveraged in multiple environments under multiple conditions. To use Seam, you do not actually have to be in a Java EE environment or even be using EJB3 if you do not want to (it is preferred, though). Of course, you will have to use Java 5; there is no way around that.

Pp. 285-328

Modules sur les anneaux principaux

N. Bourbaki

We are now going to turn our efforts to looking at the different ways to configure Seam. Obviously, we have already gone over configuring and deploying Seam and by now have deployed quite a few applications. However, Seam has the ability to be leveraged in multiple environments under multiple conditions. To use Seam, you do not actually have to be in a Java EE environment or even be using EJB3 if you do not want to (it is preferred, though). Of course, you will have to use Java 5; there is no way around that.

Pp. 329-406