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The Role of Labour Mobility and Informal Networks for Knowledge Transfer

Dirk Fornahl ; Christian Zellner ; David B. Audretsch (eds.)

Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial

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No detectada 2005 SpringerLink


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ISBN electrónico


Editor responsable

Springer Nature

País de edición

Reino Unido

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© Springer Science + Business Media, Inc. 2005

Cobertura temática

Tabla de contenidos

Introduction: Structuring Informal Mechanism Of Knowledge Transfer

David B. Audretsch; Dirk Fornahl; Christian Zellner

Palabras clave: Knowledge Transfer; Knowledge Spillover; Knowledge Flow; Relational Proximity; Informal Mechanism.

Pp. 1-7

The Mobility of Economic Agents as Conduits of Knowledge Spillovers

David B. Audretsch; Max Keilbach

Palabras clave: Small Firm; Venture Capital; Entrepreneurial Activity; Economic Knowledge; Knowledge Spillover.

Pp. 8-25

The Spatial Distribution of Entrepreneurial Support Networks: Evidence from Semiconductor Initial Public Offerings from 1996 through 2000

Donald Patton; Martin Kenney

Palabras clave: Venture Capital; Knowledge Spillover; Initial Public Offering; Investment Bank; Industrial Cluster.

PART I - Geographic and Relational Proximity | Pp. 27-52

Chapter 4 The Impact of Regional Social Networks on the Entrepreneurial Development Process

Dirk Fornahl

Palabras clave: Social Network; Mental Model; Entrepreneurial Activity; Entrepreneurial Opportunity; Regional Innovation System.

PART I - Geographic and Relational Proximity | Pp. 54-78

Social Networks, Informational Complexity and Industrial Geography*

Olav Sorenson

Palabras clave: Social Network; Venture Capital; Patent Citation; Nascent Entrepreneur; Geographic Concentration.

PART I - Geographic and Relational Proximity | Pp. 79-96

Transnational Networks and The Evolution of the Indian Software Industry:

Florian A. Täube

Palabras clave: Venture Capital; Knowledge Spillover; Software Industry; Interview Partner; Transnational Network.

PART I - Geographic and Relational Proximity | Pp. 97-121

Firm Placements of New PhDs: Implications for Knowledge Transfer

Paula. E. Stephan; Albert J. Sumell; James D. Adams; Grant C. Black

Palabras clave: Knowledge Transfer; Knowledge Spillover; Metropolitan Statistical Area; Small Business Innovation Research; East North Central.

Part II - Scientific knowledge flows and labour mobility | Pp. 123-146

Basic Research, Labour Mobility and Competitiveness

Christian Zellner

Palabras clave: Innovation System; Knowledge Transfer; Innovation Process; Innovation Policy; Labour Mobility.

Part II - Scientific knowledge flows and labour mobility | Pp. 147-163

Science-Industry Relationships in France: Entrepreneurship and Innovative Institutions

Michel Quéré

Palabras clave: Active Patent; Contractual Agreement; Spontaneous Order; Academic Entrepreneurship; Business Institution.

Part II - Scientific knowledge flows and labour mobility | Pp. 164-186

Knowledge Creation And Flows In Science

Robin Cowan; Nicolas Jonard

Palabras clave: Knowledge Transfer; Tacit Knowledge; Knowledge Creation; Knowledge Level; Informal Network.

Part II - Scientific knowledge flows and labour mobility | Pp. 187-209