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Geometric Modelling, Numerical Simulation, and Optimization: Applied Mathematics at SINTEF

Geir Hasle ; Knut-Andreas Lie ; Ewald Quak (eds.)

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Geometric Modelling, Numerical Simulation, and Optimization

Geir Hasle; Knut-Andreas Lie; Ewald Quak (eds.)

Pp. No disponible

Welcome to the World of SINTEF Applied Mathematics!

Tore Gimse

SINTEF is a contract research institute organized as a private non-profit foundation in Norway. For more than 50 years, SINTEF has performed basic and applied research in cooperation with Norwegian and international academic, industrial, and public partners. You are very welcome to learn more about the SINTEF group and our activities and aims at our home page SINTEF Applied Mathematics is a small, yet dynamic department within SINTEF. Currently we are about thirty full-time employees in addition to advisers, post docs, PhD students, and other affiliates.

Palabras clave: Norsk Hydro; Important Physical Process; Public Partner; Norwegian Industry; Applied Mathematics Group.

- Welcome to the World of SINTEF Applied Mathematics! | Pp. 1-3

Building an Ontology of CAD Model Information

Odd A. Andersen; George Vasilakis

The purpose of this tutorial paper is twofold. Firstly it can serve as an introduction to CAD shape modeling in general. Secondly it can be read as an introduction-by-example to the concept of an ontology. In computer science, an ontology is a rigorous conceptual model of a specific domain. Such models are useful in various contexts such as advanced information retrieval, knowledge sharing, web agents, natural language processing and simulation and modeling. There is an ongoing effort in the EU-funded Network of Excellence AIM@SHAPE to develop ontologies formalizing various aspects of digital shapes, by creating several domain-specific ontologies and by integrating them into a general common ontology. As a part of this effort, an ontology for CAD model information based on the STEP 42 standard has been proposed. This article presents the establishment of this particular ontology as an introductory example.

Palabras clave: computer aided design; geometry; topology; ontology; RDFS; STEP; OWL.

Part I - Geometric Modelling | Pp. 11-40

Intersection Algorithms and CAGD

Tor Dokken; Vibeke Skytt

An approach for calculating intersections between parametric surfaces based on long experience in developing intersection algorithms for industrial use, is presented. In addition two novel methods that help improve quality and performance of intersection algorithms are described: An initial assessment of the intersection complexity to identify most transversal intersections, and to identify surface regions with possible complex intersection topology. To find regions where the surfaces possibly intersect, and regions where surface normals possibly are parallel, the computational power of multi-core CPUs and programmable graphics processors (GPUs) is used for subdivision of the surfaces and their normal fields. Approximate implicitization of surface regions to help analyse singular and near singular intersections.

Palabras clave: Intersection algorithm; recursive subdivision; approximate implicitization; programmable graphics cards.

Part I - Geometric Modelling | Pp. 41-90

Surface Modelling of Neuronal Populations and Brain Structures: Use of Implicitly Represented Geometries

Jens O. Nygaard; Jan G. Bjaalie; Simen Gaure; Christian Pettersen; Helge Avlesen

We discuss some challenges faced by neuroscientists with respect to 3D geometry reconstruction, modelling and visualization. We have developed a toolbox based on implicit representation of geometry, distributed computing and an easy to deploy and maintain graphical Java3D based interface. We describe the principles underlying this toolbox and provide an outline of the problems and suggested solutions related to a specific project, Neuroinf [18], which is a collaboration between research groups in biomedical science, informatics, and mathematics at the participating institutions. Public access to these tools will be announced on the web page.

Palabras clave: Point Cloud; Surface Modelling; Neuronal Population; Message Passing Interface; High Performance Computing.

Part I - Geometric Modelling | Pp. 91-122

An Introduction to General-Purpose Computing on Programmable Graphics Hardware

Tor Dokken; Trond Runar Hagen; Jon Mikkelsen Hjelmervik

Using graphics hardware for general-purpose computations (GPGPU) has for selected applications shown a performance increase of more than one order of magnitude compared to traditional CPU implementations. The intent of this paper is to give an introduction to the use of graphics hardware as a computational resource. Understanding the architecture of graphics hardware is essential to comprehend GPGPU-programming. This paper first addresses the fixed functionality graphics pipeline, and then explains the architecture and programming model of programmable graphics hardware. As the CPU is instruction driven, while a graphics processing unit (GPU) is data stream driven, a good CPU algorithm is not necessarily well suited for GPU implementation. We will illustrate this with some commonly used GPU algorithms. The paper winds up with examples of GPGPU-research at SINTEF within simulation, visualization, image processing, and geometry processing.

Palabras clave: Graphic Processing Unit; Graphic Hardware; Scene Graph; Graphic Processing Unit Implementation; Computational Kernel.

Part I - Geometric Modelling | Pp. 123-161

Real-Time Algebraic Surface Visualization

Johan Simon Seland; Tor Dokken

We demonstrate a ray tracing type technique for rendering algebraic surfaces using programmable graphics hardware (GPUs). Our approach allows for real-time exploration and manipulation of arbitrary real algebraic surfaces, with no pre-processing step, except that of a possible change of polynomial basis. The algorithm is based on the blossoming principle of trivariate Bernstein-Bézier functions over a tetrahedron. By computing the blossom of the function describing the surface with respect to each ray, we obtain the coefficients of a univariate Bernstein polynomial, describing the surface’s value along each ray. We then use Bézier subdivision to find the first root of the curve along each ray to display the surface. These computations are performed in parallel for all rays and executed on a GPU.

Palabras clave: GPU; algebraic surface; ray tracing; root finding; blossoming.

Part I - Geometric Modelling | Pp. 163-183

Weakly Nonlinear Sea Surface Waves — Freak Waves and Deterministic Forecasting

Karsten Trulsen

The material contained here is to a large extent motivated by the so-called Draupner “New Year Wave”, an extreme wave event that was recorded at the Draupner E platform in the central North Sea on January 1st 1995 [4], [5]. This location has an essentially uniform depth of 70 m. The platform is of jacket type and is not expected to modify the wave field in any significant way. The platform had been given a foundation of a novel type, and for this reason was instrumented with a large number of sensors measuring environmental data, structural and foundation response. We are particularly interested in measurements taken by a down looking laser-based wave sensor, recording surface elevation at a speed of 2.1333 Hz during 20 minutes of every hour. The full 20 minute time series recorded starting at 1520 GMT is shown in Figure 1 and a close-up of the extreme wave event is shown in Figure 2. To remove any doubt that the measurements are of good quality, Figure 3 shows an even finer close-up with the individual measurements indicated. It is clear that the extreme wave is not an isolated erroneous measurement. The minimum distance between the sensor and the water surface was 7.4 m.

Palabras clave: Wave Height; Surface Elevation; Rogue Wave; Extreme Wave; Maximum Wave Height.

Part II - Numerical Simulation | Pp. 191-209

How to Solve Systems of Conservation Laws Numerically Using the Graphics Processor as a High-Performance Computational Engine

Trond Runar Hagen; Martin O. Henriksen; Jon M. Hjelmervik; Knut-Andreas Lie

The paper has two main themes: The first theme is to give the reader an introduction to modern methods for systems of conservation laws. To this end, we start by introducing two classical schemes, the Lax-Friedrichs scheme and the Lax-Wendroff scheme. Using a simple example, we show how these two schemes fail to give accurate approximations to solutions containing discontinuities. We then introduce a general class of semi-discrete finite-volume schemes that are designed to produce accurate resolution of both smooth and nonsmooth parts of the solution. Using this special class we wish to introduce the reader to the basic principles used to design modern high-resolution schemes. As examples of systems of conservation laws, we consider the shallow-water equations for water waves and the Euler equations for the dynamics of an ideal gas. The second theme in the paper is how programmable graphics processor units (GPUs or graphics cards) can be used to efficiently compute numerical solutions of these systems. In contrast to instruction driven micro-processors (CPUs), GPUs subscribe to the data-stream-based computing paradigm and have been optimised for high throughput of large data streams. Most modern numerical methods for hyperbolic conservation laws are explicit schemes defined over a grid, in which the unknowns at each grid point or in each grid cell can be updated independently of the others. Therefore such methods are particularly attractive for implementation using data-stream-based processing.

Palabras clave: Riemann Problem; Graphic Card; Spurious Oscillation; Graphic Processor Unit; Gaussian Integration Point.

Part II - Numerical Simulation | Pp. 211-264

An Introduction to the Numerics of Flow in Porous Media using Matlab

Jørg E. Aarnes; Tore Gimse; Knut-Andreas Lie

Even though the art of reservoir simulation has evolved through more than four decades, there is still a substantial research activity that aims toward faster, more robust, and more accurate reservoir simulators. Here we attempt to give the reader an introduction to the mathematics and the numerics behind reservoir simulation. We assume that the reader has a basic mathematical background at the undergraduate level and is acquainted with numerical methods, but no prior knowledge of the mathematics or physics that govern the reservoir flow process is needed. To give the reader an intuitive understanding of the equations that model filtration through porous media, we start with incompressible single-phase flow and move step-by-step to the black-oil model and compressible two-phase flow. For each case, we present a basic numerical scheme in detail, before we discuss a few alternative schemes that reflect trends in state-of-the-art reservoir simulation. Two and three-dimensional test cases are presented and discussed. Finally, for the most basic methods we include simple Matlab codes so that the reader can easily implement and become familiar with the basics of reservoir simulation.

Palabras clave: Porous Medium; Capillary Pressure; Relative Permeability; Reservoir Simulation; Pressure Equation.

Part II - Numerical Simulation | Pp. 265-306