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C*-algebras and Elliptic Theory

Bogdan Bojarski ; Alexander S. Mishchenko ; Evgenij V. Troitsky ; Andrzej Weber (eds.)

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Functional Analysis

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No detectada 2006 SpringerLink


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Springer Nature

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Reino Unido

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© Birkhäuser Verlag 2006

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Correspondences and Index

Bogdan Bojarski; Andrzej Weber

We define a certain class of correspondences of polarized representations of C *-algebras. Our correspondences are modeled on the spaces of boundary values of elliptic operators on bordisms joining two manifolds. In this setup we define the index. The main subject of the paper is the additivity of the index.

Palabras clave: Index of an elliptic operator; Riemann-Hilbert problem; bordism; K-theory.

Pp. 1-21

Approximation Properties for Discrete Groups

Jacek Brodzki; Graham A. Niblo

We provide an illustration of an interesting and nontrivial interaction between analytic and geometric properties of a group. We provide a short survey of approximation properties of operator algebras associated with discrete groups. We then demonstrate directly that groups that satisfy the property RD with respect to a conditionally negative length function have the metric approximation property.

Palabras clave: Rapid decay; metric approximation property.

Pp. 23-35

A Riemannian Invariant, Euler Structures and Some Topological Applications

Dan Burghelea; Stefan Haller

First we discuss a numerical invariant associated with a Riemannian metric, a vector field with isolated zeros, and a closed one form which is defined by a geometrically regularized integral. This invariant, extends the Chern-Simons class from a pair of two Riemannian metrics to a pair of a Riemannian metric and a smooth triangulation. Next we discuss a generalization of Turaev’s Euler structures to manifolds with non-vanishing Euler characteristics and introduce the Poincarée dual concept of co-Euler structures. The duality is provided by a geometrically regularized integral and involves the invariant mentioned above. Euler structures have been introduced because they permit to remove the ambiguities in the definition of the Reidemeister torsion. Similarly, co-Euler structures can be used to eliminate the metric dependence of the Ray-Singer torsion. The Bismut-Zhang theorem can then be reformulated as a statement comparing two genuine topological invariants.

Palabras clave: Euler structure; co-Euler structure; combinatorial torsion; analytic torsion; theorem of Bismut-Zhang; Chern-Simons theory; geometric regularization.

Pp. 37-60

Morse Inequalities for Foliations

Alain Connes; Thierry Fack

We outline the analytical proof of the Morse inequalities for measured foliations obtained in [ 2 ] and give some applications. The proof is based on the use of a twisted Laplacian.

Palabras clave: Measured foliations; leafwise Morse inequalities.

Pp. 61-72

Index Theory for Generalized Dirac Operators on Open Manifolds

Jürgen Eichhorn

In the first part of the paper, we give a short review of index theory on open manifolds. In the second part, we establish a general relative index theorem admitting compact topological perturbations and Sobolev perturbations of all other ingredients.

Palabras clave: Relative index; heat kernel estimates.

Pp. 73-128

Semiclassical Asymptotics and Spectral Gaps for Periodic Magnetic Schrödinger Operators on Covering Manifolds

Yuri A. Kordyukov

We survey a method to prove the existence of gaps in the spectrum of periodic second-order elliptic partial differential operators, which was suggested by Kordyukov, Mathai and Shubin, and describe applications of this method to periodic magnetic Schrödinger operators on a Riemannian manifold, which is the universal covering of a compact manifold. We prove the existence of arbitrarily large number of gaps in the spectrum of these operators in the asymptotic limits of the strong electric field or the strong magnetic field under Morse type assumptions on the electromagnetic potential. We work on the level of spectral projections (and not just their traces) and obtain an asymptotic information about classes of these projections in K -theory. An important corollary is a vanishing theorem for the higher traces in cyclic cohomology for the spectral projections. This result is then applied to the quantum Hall effect.

Palabras clave: Spectral Projection; Hall Conductance; Cyclic Cohomology; Hermitian Connection; Trivial Line Bundle.

Pp. 129-150

The Group of Unital C*-extensions

Vladimir Manuilov; Klaus Thomsen

Let A and B be separable C *-algebras, A unital and B stable. It is shown that there is a natural six-terms exact sequence which relates the group which arises by considering all semi-split extensions of A by B to the group which arises by restricting the attention to unital semi-split extensions of A by B . The six-terms exact sequence is an unpublished result of G. Skandalis.

Palabras clave: *-algebra; extension; unital extension; absorbing homomorphism.

Pp. 151-156

Lefschetz Theory on Manifolds with Singularities

Vladimir Nazaikinskii; Boris Sternin

The semiclassical method in Lefschetz theory is presented and applied to the computation of Lefschetz numbers of endomorphisms of elliptic complexes on manifolds with singularities. Two distinct cases are considered, one in which the endomorphism is geometric and the other in which the endomorphism is specified by Fourier integral operators associated with a canonical transformation. In the latter case, the problem includes a small parameter and the formulas are (semiclassically) asymptotic. In the first case, the parameter is introduced artificially and the semiclassical method gives exact answers. In both cases, the Lefschetz number is the sum of contributions of interior fixed points given (in the case of geometric endomorphisms) by standard formulas plus the contribution of fixed singular points. The latter is expressed as a sum of residues in the lower or upper half-plane of a meromorphic operator expression constructed from the conormal symbols of the operators involved in the problem.

Palabras clave: Lefschetz number; singular manifold; elliptic operator; Fourier integral operator; semiclassical method.

Pp. 157-186

Residues and Index for Bisingular Operators

Fabio Nicola; Luigi Rodino

We consider an algebra of pseudo-differential operators on the product of two manifolds which contains, in particular, the tensor products of usual pseudo-differential operators. For that algebra we discuss the existence of trace functionals like Wodzicki’s residue and we prove a homological index formula for the elliptic elements.

Palabras clave: Pseudo-differential operators; trace functionals; Wodzicki residue; index formula.

Pp. 187-202

On the Hopf-type Cyclic Cohomology with Coefficients

I. M. Nikonov; G. I. Sharygin

In this note we discuss the Hopf-type cyclic cohomology with coefficients, introduced in the paper [ 1 ]: we calculate it in a couple of interesting examples and propose a general construction of coupling between algebraic and coalgebraic version of such cohomology, taking values in the usual cyclic cohomology of an algebra.

Palabras clave: Cyclic homology; Hopf algebras; Weil complex.

Pp. 203-212