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Algebras, Rings and Modules

Michiel Hazewinkel ; Nadiya Gubareni ; V.V. Kirichenko (eds.)

Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial

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No detectada 2007 SpringerLink


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Editor responsable

Springer Nature

País de edición

Reino Unido

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© Springer 2007

Cobertura temática

Tabla de contenidos

Groups and group representations

Michiel Hazewinkel; Nadiya Gubareni; V.V. Kirichenko

Palabras clave: Normal Subgroup; Irreducible Representation; Conjugacy Class; Group Algebra; Group Ring.

Pp. 1-51

Quivers and their representations

Michiel Hazewinkel; Nadiya Gubareni; V.V. Kirichenko

Palabras clave: Exact Sequence; Dynkin Diagram; Coxeter Group; Path Algebra; Indecomposable Module.

Pp. 53-111

Representations of posets and of finite dimensional algebras

Michiel Hazewinkel; Nadiya Gubareni; V.V. Kirichenko

Palabras clave: Direct Summand; Representation Type; Dynkin Diagram; Dimensional Algebra; Indecomposable Module.

Pp. 113-159

Frobenius algebras and quasi-Frobenius rings

Michiel Hazewinkel; Nadiya Gubareni; V.V. Kirichenko

Palabras clave: Left Ideal; Noetherian Ring; Monomial Ideal; Jacobson Radical; Artinian Ring.

Pp. 161-217

Right serial rings

Michiel Hazewinkel; Nadiya Gubareni; V.V. Kirichenko

Palabras clave: Exact Sequence; Simple Module; Projective Module; Noetherian Ring; Projective Resolution.

Pp. 219-253

Tiled orders over discrete valuation rings

Michiel Hazewinkel; Nadiya Gubareni; V.V. Kirichenko

Palabras clave: Adjacency Matrix; Prime Ring; Quotient Ring; Jacobson Radical; Discrete Valuation Ring.

Pp. 255-326

Gorenstein matrices

Michiel Hazewinkel; Nadiya Gubareni; V.V. Kirichenko

Palabras clave: Adjacency Matrix; Permutation Matrix; Nonnegative Matrix; Great Common Divisor; Stochastic Matrix.

Pp. 327-387