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Convex Polyhedra

†A.D. Alexandrov

Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial

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Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial

Convex and Discrete Geometry; Visualization

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No detectada 2005 SpringerLink


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ISBN impreso


ISBN electrónico


Editor responsable

Springer Nature

País de edición

Reino Unido

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© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2005

Cobertura temática

Tabla de contenidos


Pp. 1-5

Basic Concepts and Simplest Properties of Convex Polyhedra

Palabras clave: Convex Hull; Convex Body; Convex Polyhedron; Support Plane; Polygonal Line.

Pp. 7-86

Methods and Results

Palabras clave: Convex Polyhedron; Rigidity Theorem; Limit Angle; Spherical Image; General Topological Space.

Pp. 87-154

Uniqueness of Polyhedra with Prescribed Development

Palabras clave: Dihedral Angle; Convex Polyhedron; Planar Angle; Total Curvature; Limit Angle.

Pp. 155-191

Existence of Polyhedra with Prescribed Development

Palabras clave: Edge Length; Positive Curvature; Convex Polyhedron; Polygonal Line; Limit Angle.

Pp. 193-227

Gluing and Flexing Polyhedra with Boundary

Palabras clave: Hyperbolic Space; Convex Surface; Convex Polyhedron; Internal Vertex; Boundary Vertex.

Pp. 229-269

Congruence Conditions for Polyhedra with Parallel Faces

Palabras clave: Convex Polyhedron; Congruence Condition; Support Plane; Support Line; Polygonal Line.

Pp. 271-310

Existence Theorems for Polyhedra with Prescribed Face Directions

Palabras clave: Convex Body; Convex Polyhedron; Support Plane; Spherical Image; Mapping Lemma.

Pp. 311-348

Relationship Between the Congruence Condition for Polyhedra with Parallel Faces and Other Problems

Palabras clave: Convex Body; Convex Polyhedron; Congruence Condition; Support Plane; Mixed Volume.

Pp. 349-376

Polyhedra with Vertices on Prescribed Rays

Palabras clave: Convex Hull; Convex Body; Convex Surface; Convex Polyhedron; Support Plane.

Pp. 377-401