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Physical and Biological Properties of Waters in the Region of the Antarctic Peninsula and Adjacent Basins of the South Atlantic

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cryptophytes; nanophytoplankton; picophytoplankton; photosynthetic picoeukaryotes; phytoplankton bloom; Bransfield Strait; Antarctic Peninsula; flow cytometry; subtropical rings; Subantarctic rings; CTD; ADCP; optical and hydrochemical parameters; methane; primary production; plankton; fish; birds and whales; Orkney Passage; hydraulic control; subcritical; supercritical flows; deep overflow; LADCP; bottom circulation; Antarctic krill Euphausia superba; eggs; nauplii; calyptopis; furcilia; abundance; distribution; Atlantic sector; Southern Ocean; temperature; salinity; current system; the Bransfield Strait; South Ocean; Antarctic Bottom Water; Vema Channel; CTD/LADCP measurements; three jets of bottom current; chlorophyll a; Euphausiacea; Euphausia superba; Salpa thompsoni; planktonic tunicate; climate change; feeding competition; Malvinas Current; submesoscale; water mass; Lagrangian analysis; upper mixed layer; euphotic layer; bio-optical; fluorescence; SADCP; mesoparasitic copepods; bacterioplankton; bioluminescence; optically active components; trace elements; heavy metals; Atlantic sector of the Antarctic; benthos; nemerteans; larvae; bipolar distribution; mesozooplankton; copepods; euphausiid larvae; biomass; Antarctic Sound; Weddell Sea; South Orkney Islands; n/a

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