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Die Energieregion Ruhrgebiet: Eine historisch-statistische Studie

Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial

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Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial

19th century; 19. Jahrhundert; chemische Industrie; chemical industry; Deutschland; coal; coal mining; Elektrizitätsversorgung; electricity supply; Energieregion; energy industry; Energieversorgung; Energiewende; energy region; Energiewirtschaft; energy supply; energy transition; Erdgas; Germany; Erdöl; hydrogen economy; Kohle; natural gas; Ruhrgebiet; petroleum; Statistik; Ruhr area; Steinkohlenbergbau; statistics; Synthese; Wandlungsprozesse; synthesis; transformation processes; Wasserstoffwirtschaft

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Titles appearing as part of the book series u201cStudien aus dem Max-Planck-Institut fu00fcr Sozialrecht und Sozialpolitiku201c are published under a CC-BY license. All other open access books by Nomos are generally published under a Creative Commons Licence BY-NC-ND 3.0. See