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Dedication to Professor Michael Tribelsky: 50 Years in Physics

Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial

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Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial

coffee-ring; micro phase-segregation; transition of drying pattern; membranes; vibration modes; color reflective displays; phase-change materials; structural color; polymers; knots; unknot probability; nonlinear diffusion; traveling waves; stability; Goldstone modes; Schrödinger equation; spectrum of low-exited states; Mie scattering; superchirality; circular dichroism; T-matrix; incompressible fluid; vortical flow; vector-potential; vorticity; Fermi–Pasta–Ulam–Tsingou (FPUT) problem; normal modes; resonances; secular avalanche; nonlinear dynamics; quantum chaos; mixed-type systems; energy level statistics; billiards; lemon billiards; optical force; graded plasmonic material; core-shell particle; optical gain; scale-free networks; Apollonian network; random planar graphs; generating functions; Ginzburg-Landau equations; thermal convection; quasiperiodic patterns; evolutionary dynamics; mutations; agent-based modeling; somatic evolution; computational methods; mathematical modeling; magnetohydrodynamics; dynamo theory; rigorous bounds

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