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Advanced Materials and Technologies in Nanogenerators

Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial

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Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial

triboelectric nanogenerator (TENG); sodium chloride powder; self-powered sensor; low-cost; human–machine interaction; triboelectric nanogenerator; self-powered sensing; self-charging power unit; remote telemetry and control; self-powered; triboelectric; magnetorheological elastomer; magnetic; mechanical energy; dioxygen activation; triboelectric corona plasma; O2− reactive species; spin conversion; coniform Helmholtz resonator; acoustic energy harvesting; organogel; stable; pressure sensing; nanogenerator; technology evolution pathway; knowledge graph; representation learning; multi-source data; nanomaterials; AR and VR; metal halide perovskite; rare-earth metal; solar cell; light-emitting diode; photodetector; luminescent solar concentrators; technology evolutionary path; text vectorization; theme mining; theme river map; triboelectric nanogenerators; fluid dynamics sensing; energy harvesting; triboelectricity; TENG; contact-separation mode; corona charging; IoT; n/a

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