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Ecosystem Service and Land-Use Changes in Asia: Implications for Regional Sustainability

Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial

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Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial

coast; Odisha; Brahmani River; climate resilience; water management; water quality; hydrological simulation; management plan; water-energy nexus; spatial water variability; climate change; thermal power plant; Ganges River basin; 3Rs program; landscape sustainability; municipal solid waste; pig farming; resource circulation; resource use efficiency; urban–rural nexus; zero-waste lifestyle; herder; rangeland degradation; perception; traditional rangeland management practices; Mongolia; expansion of impervious surface; underground space development; deep soil excavation; SOC loss in deep soil; urban renovation; Guangzhou city; ecological sensitivity; ecosystem service values; CA-Markov model; urban expansion; Three Gorges Reservoir area; land use; ecosystem services; InVEST; topographic index; ecosystem pattern; wetland ecosystem; urban wetland; wetland ecosystem services; Muthurajawela Marsh; Negombo Lagoon; sustainability; land change modeling; scenario modeling; wind erosion prevention service; revised wind erosion equation; geo-detector; food-energy-water security; nexus; weighted mean method; indicator framework; circulating ecological sphere; Nagpur; land use change; ecosystem service value; patch-general land use simulation (PLUS) model; Guanzhong Plain Urban Agglomeration; heat stress; WBGT index; humidex index; public perceptions; payment for watershed ecosystem services; willingness to pay; willingness to accept; public participation; village tank cascade system; land use systems; ecosystem services mapping; ecosystem services trade-offs; ecosystem services-based ecological restoration; land-use change; hotspot analysis; Geodetector; central Yunnan urban agglomeration; n/a

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