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Advances in Hydrogels
Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial
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Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial
molecularly imprinted polymeric hydrogels; synthetic receptors; zearalenone; glucuronic acid; fluorescent sensors; PEG-PLA; thermoresponsive hydrogel; redox-sensitive; hydrogel; superabsorbent; e-beam; swelling; crosslinking; carboxymethyl cellulose; drying; RW; CHD; radiation penetration depth; lecithin; rheology; scanning electron microscopy; drying and swelling; extracellular matrix; mesh size; hydrogels; photopolymers; volume holography; photo curing; multifunctional biomedical biomaterials; light-responsive materials; novel formulations; natural polymer; synthetic polymer; topical application; cryoconcentrated blueberry juice; stability; storage; bioactive compounds content; antioxidant activity; water gel; photocrosslinking; natural polymer modification; biomedical-engineering applications; vitamin D; nanoemulsion; gelled matrices; texture analysis; gelatin; sensory evaluation; gummy; thermosensitive; P(OEGMA-co-MEO2MA); microgel; scaffold; 3D culture; commercial copper sulfide (CuS); alginate; photothermal therapy (PTT); near-infrared II windows; cancer; glioblastoma; mechanobiology; mechanoreceptor; mechanotransduction; quercetin; cyclodextrin; polyvinyl alcohol; inclusion complex; photo-polymerization; potassium acrylate-co-acrylamide; swelling capacity; multistructured; adhesive strength; hydrogen bonding; n/a
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