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Advances in Computer Recognition, Image Processing and Communications, Selected Papers from CORES 2021 and IP&C 2021

Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial

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Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial

pointer instrumentation; image processing; object detection; K-fold cross-validation; Faster-RCNN; vein detection; digital image processing; correlation; displacement measurement; semantic segmentation; farmland vacancy segmentation; strip pooling; crop growth assessment; encoder–decoder; monotone curve; tangent circle; adjacent circle; area of location of the curve; contour; fingerprinting; malware analysis; malicious network traffic analysis; HTTP protocol analysis; pcap file analysis; malware tracking; malware identification; graph theory; smart meter; smart metering; wireless sensor network; interpolation; tangent line; curvature; error; ellipse; B-spline; dynamic dedicated path protection; generic Dijkstra algorithm; elastic optical network; modulation constraints; ECG signal; classification; PTB-XL; deep learning; computer vision; adversarial attacks; adversarial defences; image quality assessment; stitched images; panoramic images; image analysis; image entropy; NetFlow; network intrusion detection; network behavior analysis; data quality; feature selection; fronthaul; Xhaul; DSB-RFoF; A-RoF; B5G; 6G; DIPP; optical channel selection; n/a

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