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Effects of Land Use on the Ecohydrology of River Basin in Accordance with Climate Change

Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial

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Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial

sediment; nutrient element; risk; land cover; Warta River; runoff variation; vegetation change; attribution analysis; source region of the Yangtze River; soil moisture; physiographic parameters of basins; artificial neural network (ANN); redundancy analysis (RDA); soil; saturated hydraulic conductivity; pedotransfer function; Rosetta program; irrigation; climate change; drained peat soils; ditch subsidence; empirical equations of peat subsidence; drainage ditches; pollution; ecological status indicators; water quality; hydromorphological diversity; highland watercourse; human activity; catchment management; weather extremes; grazing management; biodiversity; high-nature-value farming; old field grassland; vegetation variation; Budyko hypothesis; Mexico City; historical political ecology; urban ecology; water spatial policy; environmental change; n/a

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