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Groundwater Hydrological Model Simulation

Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial

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Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial

groundwater monitoring; modeling; MODFLOW; kriging; residuals; water levels; Edwards–Trinity aquifer; GIS; remote sensing; groundwater potential assessment; analytical hierarchy processes; weight overlay analysis; West Arsi Zone; groundwater; physically-based models; machine learning models; artificial neural network; random forest; support vector machine; carbonate aquifer; faults and folds; groundwater modelling; multilayer aquifer; MODFLOW-NWT formulation; Central Italy; heat transport; watershed modeling; temperature; climate change; water pollution; solute transport modelling; Geographic Information System (GIS); pollution prevention plans; pharmaceuticals; carbamazepine; longitudinal dispersion coefficient; decay rate coefficient; small island; groundwater storage; groundwater management; geo-electrical survey; density-dependent model; SEAWAT; water security; unsaturated zone; water management; groundwater forecasting; foothill aquifers; Brenta River plain; Empoli plain; Magra Valley; groundwater hydrochemistry; principal component analysis; multi-aquifer system; flow model; contaminant sources; urban hydrogeology; rising groundwater levels; shallow aquifer; 3D geodatabase; horizontal flow barrier; Milan; Italy; n/a

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