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Mechanics and Analysis of Advanced Materials and Structures

Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial

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Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial

analytical solution; Fourier cosine series; vibrations; FGM rectangular plates; Mindlin plate theory; phased array transducer; transducer optimization; beam focusing; pulse–echo mode; harmonic generation; stress-free boundary; total correction; acoustic emission; electrical resistance; damage monitoring; criticality; natural time analysis; nonlinear parameter; noncontact reception; air-coupled receiver; aluminum samples; corrections; field theory; deformation and fracture; 7075 aluminum alloy; electronic speckle pattern interferometry; concrete beam; bending; cementitious matrix; FRCM; analytical model; numerical model; linear low-density polyethylene; digital image correlation; optical non-destructive testing; speckle; fourier scaling theorem; gaussian filtering; optical methods; AlSi10Mg; SLM; NDE; deep learning; CNN; k-fold cross validation; non-destructive testing; optical interferometry; residual stress; thermal expansion; elasticity; high entropy alloys; complex concentrated alloys; refractory metal intermetallic composites; high entropy phases; complex concentrated phases; Nb silicide-based alloys; alloy design; biomechanics; Achilles tendon; beam-to-beam contact; arbitrary cross-section; ANCF; lithium-ion batteries; redox-active organic anode; organic anode materials; n/a

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