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10th Anniversary of Axioms: Logic

Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial

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Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial

fuzzy-sets; fuzzy-random variables; distribution generating function; fuzzy binomial distribution; Fuchs distribution; MADM; Aczel–Alsina operations; IVIFNs; IVIF Aczel–Alsina geometric aggregation operators; interval type-3 fuzzy theory; fuzzy control; manufacturing; Vietè’s method; Newton–Raphson method; regula falsi method; testing of algorithms; foundations of mathematics; arithmetic; set theory; spatial fuzzy C-means; COVID-19; rustbelt states; extrapolation; interpolation; proving; refuting; improving; fuzzy set; linear Diophantine fuzzy sets; linear Diophantine fuzzy relations; level cut relations; rough approximations on two universes; decision analysis; multi-valued logic trees; hydraulic proportional valve; weighting factors; optimization; granular computing; formal concept analysis; intuitionistic fuzzy sets; periodicity; spatial and temporal aspects; knowledge discovery; n/a

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