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Advanced Coal, Petroleum and Nature Gas Exploration Technology
Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial
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Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial
intelligent mine; smart mining; intelligent working face; intelligent control; adaptive; robotic technology; seismic rock physics; sandstone and mudstone; P-wave and S-wave velocity; pressure; temperature; sandy conglomerate; Huanghekou Sag; stratigraphic correlation; calcite U-Pb dating; detrital zircon; pressure-controlled pyrolysis; oil–water separation; centrifugal force; two-phase vapor separation; cyclone separation; Tarim Basin; mixed platform; delta; coal-measure distribution; coal-measure logging response; axial flow; swirling flow; pickup behavior; coefficient of variation; tight sandstone gas reservoir; nuclear magnetic resonance; fracture; water blocking; n/a; rock mechanical properties; MMTS; geothermal development; geothermal reservoir; different depth of occurrence; gas storage; injection production simulation; effective permeability; seepage law; two-dimensional simulation experiment; fracture evolution law; fractured seepage zone; gradient failure support; hierarchical control mechanism
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