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Advanced Polymer Simulation and Processing: Volume II

Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial

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polymer electrolyte membrane for fuel cell; molecular dynamics simulations; side chain; penetration; injection molding; thermoplastic composites; mold heating; mold temperature control; melt filling; thin wall injection molding; suspensions; micro-polar fluids; yield stress; extrusion; extrudate swell; interface tracking; least-squares volume-to-point interpolation; consistent PISO; finite volume method; OpenFOAM; poly(ether ether ketone); thermo–mechanical response; constitutive modeling; polymer processing; elongational flow; vane extruder; eccentric rotor extruder; numerical simulation; warpage; prediction; crystallinity; multi-layer structure; simulation; annocatacin B; ND1 subunit; mitochondrial respiratory complex I; MRC-I; MD; Hirshfeld charges; MM/PBSA; poly(lactic acid); urea; melt blending; slow-release fertilizer; leakage flow; modeling and simulation; sheet die design; manufacturing process design; coat-hanger die; modeling; rheology; constant shear-rate die; non-Newtonian fluids; poly (3-hydroxybutyric-co-3-hydroxyvaleric acid) (PHBV); flax; hemp; short fibers; properties; lithium-ion; high energy pouch cell; state of charge; electrolyte; load position; motor core; iron sheet; computer-aided engineering tools; gluing; machine learning; multilayer perceptron; neural network; regression; plasticizing; polymers; basic settings; data-based; model; quality; conformal cooling; sustainability; industrial design; manufacturing; degree of assembly; a family mold system; CAE-DOE optimization; green channels; temperature maps; finite difference methods; meshless interpolation; numerical solution; polymer flows; viscoelastic flows; plastic optical barrel; roundness; concentricity; Taguchi method; RGD peptide (1FUV); ab initio molecular dynamics; total bond order; partial charge; dielectric function; suspension; rodlike particles; micropolar fluids; anisotropy; hysteresis; fiber reinforced polymer composites; lead nanoparticles; shielding; attenuation coefficient; empirical derivation; PEG-PCL; non-isothermal crystallization; flash differential scanning calorimeter; polymer blends; microstructure; multiscale simulation; hybrid injection molding; continuous fiber-reinforced thermoplastics; finite element analysis (fem); FDM; Taguchi; multilateral; CAE; transfer learning; LDPE; triangular-loop shear; trapezoidal-loop shear; time-dependent viscoelastic property; Rivlin–Sawyers equation; fillers; rubber compounds; viscoelasticity; thixotropy; structure; tailings flocculation; seawater; calcium and magnesium removal; lime; sodium carbonate; FEM; pipe die; polymer melt; Herschel–Bulkley fluids; free-surfaces; conformal cooling channel; rapid tooling technology; mold material; cooling medium; polymer solution; Giesekus; eXtended Pom-Pom; visualization; analytical solution; deep learning; stacked learning; Oldroyd-B fluid; Giesekus fluid; sphere drag coefficient; plastic pallet; flatness; sequential valve gate system; molding flow analysis; particle settling; dilute polymeric solutions; Oldroyd-B model; microfluidic rheometry; drag coefficient; hydraulic fracturing; polyethylene recycling; artificial engineering; polymer extrusion; mold additive manufacturing; polymer molds; subtractive manufacturing; mold characterization; rapid tooling; thermal homogenisation; pre-distribution; heat pipe; blown film extrusion; CFD; n/a; pyrolysis; mixed polymers; thermogravimetric analyzer (TGA); artificial neural networks (ANN); polypropylene; glass fiber; fiber reinforced; fiber shortening; compound; SIGMA; dynamic image analysis; Monte Carlo; nanoporous matter; proton; transport behavior; GEANT4 code; boundary layer; Herschel–Bulkley fluid; Carbopol; cement; bacterial cellulose; plasma treatment; magnetron sputtering; silver nanoparticles; antimicrobial activity; X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy; fully implicit coupled solver; viscoelastic flow; log-conformation tensor approach; non-isothermal effects; Phan-Thien-Tanner constitutive equation; semi-analytical method; solvent viscosity contribution; pipe flow; channel flow; Au nanoparticles; plasmonics; polymer matrix; nanocomposite; thermal annealing

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