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Assistive Technology and Biomechatronics Engineering

Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial

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Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial

human–computer interface; human movement analysis; cerebral palsy; hidden Markov model; assistive technology; visually impaired support; education of engineers; text reading; medical engineering; medical assistance; multivariate analysis; sleep apnea syndrome; orthostatic regulation disorder; single-cell analysis; isomotive dielectrophoresis; insulator-based dielectrophoresis; particle tracking velocimetry; particle characterization; myoelectric potential; deep learning; camera; inertia sensor; emotion tagging; mood management; Japanese song lyrics; search engine; COPD; frailty; home-care patients; health monitoring; physical activity; anaerobic threshold; inflection-point exploration; strucchange; ventilation expired gas volume; excess CO2 production; parasports; competitive wheelchair; sEMG; iEMG; muscle activation; seat pressure; B-mode ultrasound images; liver cirrhosis classification; convolution neural networks; image correction; image quality improvement; inverse of tone curves; tone curves; biofilm; sensors; impedance; EPS; Raman spectroscopy; fatigue; visual simulator; human standing posture; center of pressure; anticipatory postural adjustments

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