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Advances in Marine Engineering: Geological Environment and Hazards

Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial

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Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial

gas-hydrate-bearing sediments; mechanical behavior; dynamic loading; discrete element simulation; macro-meso; South China Sea; submarine soft soil; triaxial test; mechanical properties; normalized behavior; CO2 hydrate slurry; rheology; shear-thickening; Herschel–Bulkley-type model; sediment acoustic; frequency dependence; sound speed; attenuation; Biot–Stoll model; seafloor sediments; XGBoost; the East China Sea; groundwater; hydrochemistry; Guangdong coastal zone; seawater intrusion; nitrate pollution; undrained shear strength; clay samples; mini-ball penetration test; low temperature; strength of bound water; viscosity of free water; seafloor bedform; multibeam bathymetry; sub-bottom profile; bottom current; laterally loaded piles; initial stiffness; undrained clay slope; nonlinear formulations; finite-element analysis; cyclic shear test; silt–steel interface; stress–displacement mechanical properties; submarine landslide; in-situ investigation; physical modelling; numerical simulation; calcareous sand; cyclic load; cumulative axial strain; stiffness; damping ratio; deep-buried tunnel; analytical solution; anisotropic flow; conformal mapping; seepage field; gas hydrate; high-resolution seismic; ultra-high-energy plasma source; n/a

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