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Advances in Bio-Based and Biodegradable Polymeric Composites
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DMAP-lignin epoxide; bio-based epoxy resin; composite resin; tensile strength; chitosan; fish scales; Prochilodus magdalenae; antibacterial agent; natural fiber; rice husk; biocomposites; physicomechanical; thermal behavior; antibacterial; bionanocomposite; pectin; zinc oxide; crosslinking; cell matrices; Fs bioscaffolds structuring; ultra-short functionalization of cell matrices; tissue engineering; temporal scaffolds; PLA texturing; aminated graphene; graphene modification; grafting from; oligomers of glutamic acid; poly-ε-caprolactone; biocompatible polymer composites; humidity sensor; polyaniline; biopolymer; hydration; adsorption; electrical conductivity; response/recovery time; hysteresis; sensing mechanism; hydrophilicity/hydrophobicity; poly(lactic acid); Chinese spirits distiller’s grains; barrier; mechanical behavior; hydrophobicity; biodegradable properties; bacterial cellulose; ionic liquids; 3D-printing; mechanical properties; ion gels; antibacterial activity; biocompatible; composite hydrogel; drug release; drug delivery; PEDOT: PSS; conducting polymer; conductive scaffolds; degradation rate; biocompatibility; fabrication of scaffolds; biomedical application; extractions; cellulose; crosslink mechanism; biodegradable; waste materials; natural filler; latex; composite; surface modifications; biodegradable polymer; electrospinning; fungicide; Phaeomoniella chlamydospora; Phaeoacremonium aleophilum; esca; polylactic acid; turmeric essential oil; TGA; FT-IR; antimicrobial and antioxidant properties; S. aureus; E. coli; antimicrobial packaging; natural fibre; polymer composite; sustainable; MWNT-Ag; GO; dispersion; biocomposite; water diffusion; modeling; environmental ageing; durability; thermomechanical properties; adhesion parameter; polybutylene succinate; polymer films; fiber; bio-reinforcement; microcrystalline cellulose; nanocrystalline cellulose; cellulose fibers; cellulose modification; aliphatic polyesters; polyhydroxyalkanoates; poly(ε-caprolactone); poly(glycolic acid); poly(lactic acid-co-glycolic acid); poly(hydroxybutyrate); poly(butylene succinate); (bio)composites; “green” materials; thermal properties; degradation; polyaniline colloids; starch; steric stabilizer; cyclic voltammetry; DFT; AIM study; COSMO-RS; biodegradable film; corn starch; cellulose nanocrystals; antimicrobial film; nanocomposite; thermoplastic starch; nanocellulose; bentonite; aging; retrogradation; tuna skin by-product; fresh-cut watermelon; extract tea; edible coating; PLA polymer; biological filler; mechanical; dynamic-mechanical; thermal; decomposition; wettability; surface appearance; n/a; block copolymer; cassava starch; thermal stability; green composites; micronized fibers; epoxidized linseed oil; sugar-based surfactant; biodegradability
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