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New Advances in Oil, Gas and Geothermal Reservoirs

Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial

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Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial

drilling; unconventional oil and gas; cuttings cleaning; pulsed jet; spontaneous imbibition; hydraulic fracturing; microfluidics; tight rock; adsorption dynamic; Longmaxi shale; Bangham model; Freundlich model; adsorption isotherm; isostatic enthalpy; fly ash; steam channeling; injection performance; plugging depth; heavy oil; shale gas; inorganic nanopore; apparent permeability; irreducible water; percolation mechanism; Knudsen number correction; proppant dune; proppant placement; complicated fracture; multiphase flow; glutenite; DEM; stress heterogeneity; fracture propagation; supercritical multi-thermal fluid; thermal recovery; NMR; oil well cement; hydration; retarder; physical simulation; sandstone reservoir; rotary jet; recharge efficiency; unblocking; permeability enhancement; drilling and completion; fracturing; tight gas; enhanced thermal recovery; enhanced geothermal system

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